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Underwater Photo Contest | Macro - Nudibranchia

8582 Entries Found: Page 10  of  318
Sea slugs. A subject popular with macro guys! (means naked gills) Flatworms allowed
Anna's Chromodoris - Chromodoris annae
Nembrotha yonowae
Red Flabellina
Clown dorid
Cratena peregrina nudibranch _Sicilian Sea_Oct 2023
(Canon 100,1/250,f16,iso100)
A Flabellina Affinis nudibranch stands up tall as if roaring for the camera. Macro lenses can create such radical perspectives with these little subjects! Taken in September 2023
(Canon 100,1/200,f14,iso160)
Red-lined flabellina - Coryphellina rubrolineata
Red-lined flabellina - Coryphellina rubrolineata
Cratena nudibranch while eating.Its flashy coloration is aposematic, i.e. it warns predators of the intrinsic poisonousness if by chance an inexperienced fish were to eat it would spit it out due to the terrible taste.
(Canon100, 1/250,f16,iso10...
This beautiful Batangas halgerda I found near Candidasa (Bali).
Olympus EM1X
Nudibranch - Nembrotha kubaryana
This photo take in Hong Kong - basalt island , she walking top on the stone , is really good position
Two Cratena are quietly feeding on hydroids in the sea of Casteldaccia. See the open mouth flanked by the oral tentacles. Notice the vertical orientation of the mouth that is the most common configuration in all sea slugs.(Canon100,1/200,f20,i.160)
If you were to count all the shades of white, purple, orange, yellow, blue and pink contained in a Mediterranean Flabellina I think one page (in small print) would not be enough! Sept_2023 (Canon100, 1/200,f13,iso100)
Phyllidia occelata looking like a meringue pie (f/13, 1/3... by E&e Lp
by: E&e Lp
Phyllidia occelata looking like a meringue pie (f/13, 1/320, ISO-6400, 50mm, UCL-165). - Erik
Costasiella sp. & Bunodeopsis sharing land on algae
Olympus EM1X
Chromodoris sp. on talisay point
The weird face of Flabellina affinis (pink flabellina). (... by E&e Lp
by: E&e Lp
The weird face of Flabellina affinis (pink flabellina). (f/16, 1/80, ISO-100, 33mm, UCL-165 & UCL-67 stacked). - Erik
Chromodoris tricolor_Goa_India_2023
Shot taken with Olympus TG6 and a torch.
This is Kaloplocamus acutus , take this photo in hong kong,
March , 2023
8582 Entries Found: Page 10  of  318