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1767 Entries Found: Page 38  of  89

Blue Heron Bridge, Lake Worth Lagoon, Riviera Beach, FL

   United States  Atlantic (North American coastal)
This is a world class muck dive! One of the closest points to the Gulfstream current, you just never know what you may find! We've documented 2 electrogenic fish, over 400 species of fish. Nudibranchs and it is a great place to study underwater photography. With a maximum depth of 23 feet, it is a 1 tank dive- but its a 2 hour dive! Your only restriction is the currents. Imperative to dive 1 hour before High tide on the outgoing tide. The area is equivalent to two American footbal fields. The currents can be ripping on either side ( the intra-coastal waterway and the channel to the inlet). And you must dive with a flag. So, you have to stay out of the channel. The little bridge has been under construction, and they made a mess of that. Under the big bridge is a wonderland of surprises to be found. The place is a nursery, and a migration place for mating couples underwater ( marine life... that is).

more info about Blue Heron Bridge, Lake Worth Lagoon, Riviera Beach, FL including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatshorewrecknightbigsmallsharksstingingairnitroxrepairsinstructionfriendlymacrowideangle

Blue Hole, Playa Chica, Puerto Del Carmen, Lanzarote

   Spain  Atlantic
Enter from the pier at Playa Chica, hole in the reef around 25m bottom at 30m - really tidal so can be shallower. 2 Shrimp caves to the right as you go down the Blue Hole, catfish can be spotted here (30m). Pinnacle straight in front of the blue hole, beautiful site - especially if dived at the right time of the day the lighting is brilliant. Can be dived all year round, water temperature ranges from 18 (feb) to 25 (july-august)

Has unique topography thanks to Lanzarote being a volcanic island. Huge range of marine life, sun fish (mola mola) have been spotted in 3m of water, angel sharks, rays (electric, common atlantic sting, eagle, even the rare Manta Ray has been spotted here) sea horse, trumpet fish, octopus, the list keeps going!

more info about Blue Hole, Playa Chica, Puerto Del Carmen, Lanzarote including maps, reviews, and ratings...shorenightbigsharksairnitroxrepairshireinstructionguidedfriendlymacrowideanglepfriendlyphireinstruction

"K41" shore dive 41km east of Dili

   East Timor  Banda Sea
K41 is a beautiful shore dive of the main northern coast road in Timor-Leste. After a 5-10m surface swim, divers will drop to about 8m. On the east they will follow a long 25m high coral wall that extends down the coast. On the right, there is a muck dive that incorporates coral outcrops. A spectacular dive site.

more info about "K41" shore dive 41km east of Dili including maps, reviews, and ratings...shorewallbigsmallturtlescoralairinstructionguidedfriendlymacrowideanglepfriendly

"Bob's Rock" 45km East of Dili, West of the dive entry point

   East Timor  Banda Sea
This site is one of numerous shore dive sites on the north coast of Timor-Leste. Dives sites include coral walls and muck dives.

more info about "Bob's Rock" 45km East of Dili, West of the dive entry point including maps, reviews, and ratings...shorebigsmallsharkswhalesdolphinsturtlescoralstingingairrepairshireinstructionguidedfriendlymacrowideangle

Molasses Reef , Key Largo

   United States  Atlantic (North American coastal)
Incredible dive spot!

more info about Molasses Reef , Key Largo including maps, reviews, and ratings...Liveaboardbigsmallsharksdolphinsturtlescoralairhireinstructionguidedfriendlywideangle

USS Spiegel Grove. Key Largo Florida

   United States  Atlantic (North American coastal)
very good diving and great visibility. I highly recemmend

more info about USS Spiegel Grove. Key Largo Florida including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatwreckairnitroxrepairshireinstructionguidedfriendly

Eccleston Delph

   United Kingdom
An old flooded stone quarry, converted to dive centre - full facilities inc. changing, air, shop, hire, instruction etc.
Water dark & green - visibility variable but silt can be kicked up by divers.
Plenty to see inc fish and wrecks.

more info about Eccleston Delph including maps, reviews, and ratings...shorewreckcavewallnightdrysuitfreshwatersmallshoalsairrepairshireinstructionfriendlymacrowideangle

Feery Channel padang bai bali

good for dive little bit wave....

more info about Feery Channel padang bai bali including maps, reviews, and ratings...shorecoralairinstructionguidedfriendlymacrowideangle

Big Horseshoe Reef

   Mexico  Gulf Of Mexico
Paradise Divers in Cozumel have great DM's but the boats are slow and the store staff are horrible. Current was ripping all week. I'd recommend Bonaire or Grand Cayman

more info about Big Horseshoe Reef including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatnightdriftsmallturtlescoralnitroxinstruction

Caldera, El Morro

   Chile  Chilean Sea
El Morro is a peninsula that is opposite the beautiful beaches of Bahia Ingles.
On the way to El Morro by boat you can see penguins and seals and many other types of bird life.
The dive boat Ocotopus has room for 10 guests for daytrips and 5 guests for overnight nightdiving
There is a good variety of fish and marine life.
On shore there is a good range of acomodation right on the beach at Bahia Ingles.
El Morro also features an archealogical park with whale skeletons and shark teeth up to 60mm long.
Inland on the Argentine border there is the highest volcano in the world Ocho Salada, overnight
camping tours are available to visit the volcano.
Bahia Ingles is 5 kilometres from Caldera, there are regular flights available
from the capital Santiago de Chile.
Chile is a safe country to travel in and the people are friendly and helpful.

Regards Robert

more info about Caldera, El Morro including maps, reviews, and ratings...Liveaboarddayboatshorewrecknightdriftsharkswhalesdolphinscoralkelpairrepairshireinstructionguidedfriendly

wrck dive Juan Escutia

   Mexico  Caribbean Sea
Minesweeper sunk to create artificial reef in 2001. Fully intact , can be easily penetrated by advanced plus divers. Lots of wildlife.

more info about wrck dive Juan Escutia including maps, reviews, and ratings...wreckbigsmallsharksturtlescoralshoalsairnitroxhireinstructionguided


   Comoros  Indian Ocean
Mayotte, comoros

more info about Ngouja including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatshorewallnightbigdolphinsturtlescoralairnitroxinstructionguidedwideangle

Cap d'Agde

   France  Mediterranean Sea
tiny octopus on a small artificial reef

more info about Cap d'Agde including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatshoredrysuitsmallairnitroxrepairshireinstructionguidedfriendlymacrowideangle

Prodykk- Nesodden

   Norway  Norwegian Sea
A friendly PADI divecenter just a 20min ferry trip from Oslo.

more info about Prodykk- Nesodden including maps, reviews, and ratings...shorewreckwallnightdrysuitsmallkelpairnitroxrepairshireinstructionguidedfriendlymacrowideanglefilmpfriendlyinstruction

Svestad Marinepark

   Norway  Norwegian Sea
A PADI dive center in Oslofjord Norway

more info about Svestad Marinepark including maps, reviews, and ratings...wreckwallnightdrysuiticesmallairnitroxrepairshireinstructionguidedfriendlymacrowideanglephireinstruction

Recheliue Rock

   Thailand  Andaman Sea
I was looking at an anemone fish, just enjoying the beauty of the little creature, when sudenly i felt that something huge is swimming above me.
I looked up and there it was.
It was the first time for me to see a whale shark while diving. it took me almost 3500 dives to be ready for that magical moment...

more info about Recheliue Rock including maps, reviews, and ratings...Liveaboardwallnightdriftbigsmallsharksdolphinsturtlescoralairinstructionguidedfriendlymacrowideanglepfriendlyinstruction

Dauin, Philippines, Car Wreck

   Philippines  Visayan Sea
A fantastic dive site, north of Dauin Sanctuary. Car wrecks and metal cases on a sandy slope at 30 meters depth. Nudis, pegaus, ambon devil scorpionfishes, frogfishes, ghostpipefishes, mimic octopus, stargazer, snakes, dragonets, and many more

more info about Dauin, Philippines, Car Wreck including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatshorewrecksmallairnitroxrepairshireinstructionguidedmacrowideanglefilm



more info about Zakrzówek including maps, reviews, and ratings...wreckwallnightdrysuitfreshwatericeairnitroxrepairshireinstructionguidedfriendlymacrowideangleprocessingfilmpfriendlyrepairsphireinstruction

Los Cristianos

   Spain  Atlantic (African coastal)

more info about Los Cristianos including maps, reviews, and ratings...Liveaboarddayboatshorewreckcavewallnightdriftdrysuitbigsmallsharkswhalesdolphinsturtlescoralshoalsstingingairnitroxrepairshireinstructionguidedfriendlymacrowideangleprocessingfilmpfriendlyrepairsphireinstruction

LAS Americas Tenerife

   Spain  Atlantic (African coastal)
Excellent diving lost to see big atlantic rays , sharks near the fish farms, dolphins near the fish farms, excellent!

more info about LAS Americas Tenerife including maps, reviews, and ratings...Liveaboarddayboatshorewreckcavewallnightdriftdrysuitbigsmallsharkswhalesdolphinsturtlescoralshoalsstingingairnitroxrepairshireinstructionguidedfriendlymacrowideangleprocessingfilmpfriendlyrepairsphireinstruction
1767 Entries Found: Page 38  of  89