Member | Profile | Website | Country | Portfolio |
Anton Plaksin | I'm Anton from Russia. I am diving in the polar regions (mostly in the White Sea). Sometimes it is freezing cold there but I love it. My dream is to dive in tropics for the first time. | | Russia |  |
Thomas Pegram | Hi, I'm Tom. I am a bit of a traveller, working as a dive instructor or marine biologist wherever work takes me. I got in to photography around 2012 while in Finland, and I've been playing around with it ever since. Recently I've stepped up to a Song A7rIV for topside shooting, and I've been using a Sony RX100m3 for underwater images for several years. | My Website
 | United Kingdom |  |
DIDIER PASQUINI | Je m'appelle Didier, je suis plongeur CMAS3* depuis 1999 et Photographe sous marin depuis 2021.
j'habite à la Réunion depuis 2018 et j'ai la chance de pouvoir pratiquer mes passions chaque semaine dans des conditions très agréable. j'aime faire partager ce monde inconnu du grand publique, mais tellement important pour la planète.
Vous pouvez me retrouver sur Facebook et Insta sur la page D'Klicphoto By Didier PASQUINI
| | Reunion |  |
charmi patel | I Am A Blogger And A Technician. | My Website
 | India |  |
Tiago Peixoto | Hi, I’m Tiago! I have been living on Little Cayman since January 2016 and I’m originally from Portugal. That’s where I began this journey into scuba diving and photography. Started out as a Marine Biologist by being involved in several conservation projects in both West and East Africa before verging towards the diving and hospitality industry, and it was in Tanzania and Kenya that I took the plunge and became a professional diver. Photography has been a part of my life since I was a teenager, and in 2009 I bought my first underwater photo setup (an Olympus E-PL1, 14-42 kit lens, Olympus PT-EP01 and an INON S-2000 strobe).
After years of traveling around Africa, Europe, Central and South America, my journey lead me to Little Cayman, in the Cayman Islands. Worked here as a Dive Instructor and Boat Captain for 3 years, before being part of the inception of the Reef Divers Photo Center as a Photo Pro. | My Website
 | Cayman islands |  |
pierlo pablo | I am Pierlo, french underwater photographer living in the Philippines for good. | My Website
 | Philippines |  |
nick polanszky | Shooting with Canon 5DIII in Aquatica Digital housing, Currently based at Pro Photo Baja in the magical Sea of Cortez | My Website
 | Australia |  |
Daniel Parker | Hey, my name is Dan, I'm from the UK but live and work in Singapore. I feel in love with the underwater world whilst working as a DM in Borneo. I was living on Mabul Island next door to the famous Sipadan where we made regular trips. I'm a family photographer by trade but much prefer taking pics of all the wonderful, beautiful, weird and ugly critters in our vast oceans. I hope you enjoy my images. | | United Kingdom |  |
Eser Paşa | I am Eser from Turkey. I was begining 5 years a go underwater photography. I use sony nex 7 and nauticam hausing | My Website
 | Turkey |  |
catrin pichler | I'm Catrin from Austria. I love the ocean and started with UW photography 5 years ago. I try to improve my skills with my Canon G15 in a Nauticam housing and love to go for critters in Indonesia. | | Austria |  |
Chris Pienaar | I really started photography in 2010 when I bought a Canon 50D but made a lifelong dream come true in 2015 when I bought my first uw housing and strobes. I am landbound and dont dive enough ( dont know if I would ever be able to dive enough.) | | South Africa |  |
Francis POLLAK | When I was a child, I used to watch with amazement television documentaries of Jacques Cousteau. This fascination with the underwater world naturally lead me to make my first dives when I was just 15 years old. I was immediately fascinated by the beauty and incredible diversity of fauna and flora. Very quickly, I felt like fixing these images on film to be able to share them with my family and friends back to the surface. My first camera, a Nikonos III was completely manual: It was necessary to set distance, aperture, shutter speed, flash power, and all this before the subject decided to go elsewhere ... On a roll 36, I felt pretty happy, when 10 shots were successful. Technology has advanced, but not this ratio ... We must bring together a large number of parameters to make a proper image. I hope you enjoy the ones I show you here ... | My Website
 | France |  |
Courtney Povey | New to underwater photography so still learning. | | South Africa |  |
Hon Ping | Love the nature | | Malaysia |  |
Hinesh Patel | Fuji F31 & Sony RX100, taking photos for 4 years now. Fave photo dive site has to be Marsa Mubarak in Marsa Alam & Bannerfish Bay in Dahab. | | United Kingdom |  |
John Parker | I'm John and I am from Mansfield in the UK. I have been diving for over 20 years and have had a camera of various sorts for a number of years. I mainly dive outside of the UK now but spent many years owning a RIB and diving the UK from the South Coast to the North West Of Scotland. I now shoot with my Aquatica Nikon D7200 system whenever I can. | | United Kingdom |  |
ledean paden | Nikon d4, d800, D90, D80 Aquatica housing, LSD Prime snoot, ikelite strobes. I am a wildlife photographer, I am trying my hand at underwater photography, and really enjoying it. Favorite places to dive are Indonesia but the Philippines is another favorite. I also enjoy Kona, Fiji and Mexico. For above water, I spend a lot of time in Alaska, Costa Rica, Honduras, Yosemite and all the other state parks, as well as Big Sur HWY. Florida is my favorite place for shore birds and Caribbean for sunsets. So many places, so little time! | My Website
 | United States |  |
Yvan Pagulayan | Im a new diver - barely 14 months and recently into taking u/u photos with an Olympus Stylus 770 in a PT 035 camera (a gift from a friend). | My Website
 | Philippines |  |
Tiffanie Pucillo | I began underwater photography June 2013. I'm initially from San Diego, CA but have recently moved to Brisbane, Australia. I shoot with a canon 60D and an Ikelite housing. I have a strobe but its a bit old and kind of finicky - sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Would like to get a new pair soon but for now it will have to do. I love shooting macro but again with the strobe it doesn't always work out. I've recently gotten into wide angle work and that has been fun. I've dove mostly off Southern California, in the Channel Islands, and at Catalina but I've got dive a few dives in Hawaii and one on the Great Barrier Reef. I need to get in the water more. Website is underworks but still functioning. If you'd like to check it out I've a lot more photos on there. Also on instagram @tiffpucillophoto I tend to update that more regularly than my site. Any form of feed back on any of my images (here or elsewhere) is greatly appreciated. Thanks! :) | My Website
 | Australia |  |
Nonna Pokras | I started in 2010 with Canon G11 and now I use Canon 5d mark II. I like all places. I'm happy just to be in the water :) | | Russia |  |