Entries to the annual contest close 31st December 2024

5 days to go

Latest Contest entries
Imperial Eagle   Malta
By Pieter Firlefyn
posted 12:54 CST Today (within the last hour)
 Embraces in the Blue  The Charm of the Octopus
By Salvatore Lauro
posted 10:23 CST Today (2 hours ago)
 Embraces in the Blue  The Charm of the Octopus
By Salvatore Lauro
posted 10:23 CST Today (2 hours ago)
BLENNIE   Ecsenius lineatus 
By Didier Pasquini
posted Yesterday
Pterois miles
Please Help I m falling.
By Cumhur Gedikoglu
posted (2 days ago)
Goniobranchus collingwoodi nudibranch 
  named also G. tumulifera  _February 2024
 Canon EF100 1/200 f16 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (2 days ago)

Underwater Photo Location: Niagara River Mouth

Underwater Photo Location: Niagara River Mouth

How Hot is this Dive Site? click a star to rate it
Popular local shore dive.
Facts about Niagara River Mouth
  • It is in Canada
  • The typical depth is 0-20 Metres 0-60 Feet.
  • The typical visibility is 0-3 Metres 0-10 Feet.
Dive types

Marine Life

by David Gilchrist
Yellow Bullhead Catfish in Niagara River during night dive.

by David Gilchrist
A juvenile trout swims past, pausing for a glance, on a night dive, in the Niagara River.

by David Gilchrist
Lamprey Mouth, Taken in the Niagara River with Nikonis Camera and Close Up lens on 35mm Nikkor Lens

by David Gilchrist
Crayfish sp. Niagara River

by David Gilchrist
Hide and seek! Young bass sp. , Niagara River.

by David Gilchrist
Mudpuppy(Necturus maculosus)-an aquatic 'salamander', with feathery external gills. Niagara River.

by David Gilchrist
Rock Bass Portrait

by David Gilchrist
Close-up of the eye of a Rock Bass.

by David Gilchrist
An American eel moves along the bottom of the Niagara river. Nikon F-3, w 55mm Macro lens in Aquatica Housing, SB 103 flash.

by David Gilchrist
Goby sp.,Niagara River Night Dive

by David Gilchrist
Juvenile Rock Bass, Niagara River night Dive

by David Gilchrist
Perch sp. Niagara River Night Dive

by David Gilchrist
Bass portrait, Niagara River Night Dive

by David Gilchrist
Lake Ontario Sunset from Niagara on the Lake

by David Gilchrist
Aquatic Plant, Niagara River Night Dive

by David Gilchrist
Niagara River Goby photographed on a night dive.

by David Gilchrist
Perch sp. Taken on a night dive in the Niagara River.

by David Gilchrist
Bass portrait, Niagara River

by David Gilchrist
Brown Bullhead Catfish, Niagara River

by David Gilchrist
Rock Bass, Niagara River

by David Gilchrist
Bass sheltering behind rock in the Niagara River.

by David Gilchrist
Diver approaches Bass during a night dive in the Niagara River.

by David Gilchrist
'Out of the current' Smallmouth Bass rests on a ledge in the Niagara River.

by David Gilchrist
'New subject' White Bass have made their appearance in the Niagara River.

by David Gilchrist
Juvenile Emerald Shiner, Niagara River

by David Gilchrist
Niagara River Round Goby Portrait

by David Gilchrist
Several crayfish were spotted this afternoon on a dive in the lower Niagara River. The Olympus TG4 in housing allowed for some great macro shots.

by David Gilchrist
Crayfish sp. Niagara River. While doing a first dive of the year in the lower Niagara I encountered several of these creatures.

by David Gilchrist
A Round Goby resting on the bottom of the Niagara River

by David Gilchrist
A Smallmouth Bass in the Lower Niagara River.

by David Gilchrist
‘Catch of the Day’ We often Encounter fishermen and fisher women at one of our local dive sites. Sad to see their catch in a basket while we enter for our dive

by David Gilchrist
A juvenile bass in the Lower Niagara River.

by David Gilchrist
A frequently seen fish in fresh waters, this Rock Bass was photographed in the Lower Niagara River on a night dive.
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