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We often don t see them  but a thousand eyes watch us while we swim or dive with our sophisticated equipment that makes lots of bubbles. Like this friendly hermit crab which I found on a rock a few meters deep.
 Canon EF100  1/200  f14 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted 08:25 CST Today (6 hours ago)
Phyllidiopsis xishaensis nudibranch. I used macro lens Canon EF 100 mm with a diopter by using a wide aperture to get a shallow depth of field_April 2024
 Canon EF100 1/200 f8 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted 04:08 CST Today (10 hours ago)
Prohl dka zubu
By Radim Fort
posted Yesterday
Chromodoris annae
By William Goers Jr
posted (4 days ago)
Spinyhead Blenny
By William Goers Jr
posted (4 days ago)
Divemaster watching his group on the wall
By William Goers Jr
posted (4 days ago)

Underwater Photo Location: Sydney, Australia

Underwater Photo Location: Sydney, Australia

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A small Bay near the airport
Facts about Sydney, Australia
Dive types

Marine Life

Photo facilities

by Conor Culver
"Weedy In the Weed" the Weedy Sea Dragon hides and lives near shore using the weeds for camouflage. The house represents where to find them near shorlines and the thistle references the protection the weeds offer.

by Oisin Deery
Diver on the wreck of the Dee Why Ferry at 45m (150 ft) depth in Sydney, Australia

by Oisin Deery
Red Morwong at 45m (148 ft) depth on the wreck of The Tuggerah in Sydney, Australia.
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