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A beautiful cuttlefish showing off their magical colours whilst hiding under a ledge. Taken at Busselton Jetty  Western Australia. 
This image was shot with Iphone 14 pro   sealife sportdiver
By Arianne Lienert
posted (2 days ago)
Taken under permit
By Arun Madisetti
posted (5 days ago)
Mom and Babies
By Didier Pasquini
posted (6 days ago)
Goniobranchus reticulata nudibranch_February 2025
 Canon EF100 1/200 f22 iso125
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (last week)
Almost functionally extinct in the Caribbean  this beautiful D.Lab  grooved brain coral  is healthy.  BONAIRE  . Sealife micro3
By Arun Madisetti
posted (last week)
Healthy octocorals on the reef in Bonaire  not in the drop down menu . I guess Aruba is closest. Sealife micro3 seadragon lights
By Arun Madisetti
posted (last week)

Underwater Photo Location: Turtle Reef

Underwater Photo Location: Turtle Reef

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On the North side of Anse Chastenet, a dive site famous for regular turtle sitings.
Facts about Turtle Reef
  • It is in Saint Lucia
  • Turtle Reef is in the Caribbean Sea.
  • The typical depth is 0-20 Metres 0-60 Feet.
  • The typical visibility is 10-30 Metres 30-100 Feet.

Marine Life

Photo facilities

by Henley Spiers
Spinyhead Blenny (Acanthemblemaria spinosa), St Lucia Olympus OMD-EM5 Nauticam housing Olympus 60mm with Sea & Sea YS-D1 strobe f16 1/250 ISO 200

by Henley Spiers
'Squid Turns Zebra' Caribbean Reef Squid (Sepioteuthis sepioidea), St Lucia Courtship ritual - male goes 'zebra' coloured whilst competing with other males.

by Henley Spiers
Whitenose Pipefish (Cosmocampus albirostris), St Lucia

by Henley Spiers
Reef Squid (Sepioteuthis sepioidea) underneath the pier in St Lucia.

by Henley Spiers
Yellowline Arrow Crab set against an Azure Vase Sponge.

by Henley Spiers
Squid in the Sun Caribbean Reef Squid (Sepioteuthis sepioidea), St Lucia

by Henley Spiers
'The Line-Up' Juvenile Reef Squid stay close together just under the surface in St Lucia.

by Henley Spiers
Turtles' Flight Took me a while to realise there is a second one in the background!

by Henley Spiers
Diver and a Friendly Hawksbill Turtle

by Henley Spiers
Turtle Safari

by Henley Spiers
Green over Blue

by Henley Spiers
Seahorse in the Seagrass

by Henley Spiers
Tough Guy Lobster

by Henley Spiers
Close Encounter with a Balloonfish

by Jade Hoksbergen
Gargoyles of the Sea: Frogfish sees the light at the end of the tunnel. -

by Jade Hoksbergen
Staring Eye-to-Eye: with a Common Octopus (Octopus Vulgaris). -

by Henley Spiers
Swimming with a Green Turtle

by Jade Hoksbergen
Strawberry-Eyed Blenny in Saint Lucia

by Henley Spiers
A good friend of mine recently asked if I ever get tired of diving. With so much to see and photograph under the surface, I don't think that's ever going to be possible. Seeing turtles underwater is just one experience which always illicit pure joy.

by Henley Spiers
Turtle & Sunball

by Henley Spiers
Wire Coral Shrimp

by Henley Spiers
Turtle Sunburst

by Henley Spiers
Squid City

by Henley Spiers
Spongy Reef
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