There are locations in the world that are uniquely suited to one species above all others. Coral Reef has perfect conditions for the brittlestar, Ophiothrix spiculata. The foot of this rocky wall is completely covered by them. In contrast to smaller populations elsewhere in Southern California, the individuals here exhibit a variety of color schemes. Perhaps they lack a visual predator that is present at other sites. Whatever the case; this is one dive that should be at the top of every world traveler's to do list.
Facts about Coral Reef, Anacapa Island, Southern Californiaby
Craig HooverOne of a million surrounding Ophiothrix spiculata climbed this purple gorgonian. Brittlestar reefs are unique and wonderous. Photo taken at Coral Reef on Anacapa in Southern California.
Craig HooverRed gorgonian on a brittlestar reef. This is a companion to an earlier shot and tells the story of an entire wall. Shot taken at Coral Reef on Anacapa Island in Southern California.