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A beautiful cuttlefish showing off their magical colours whilst hiding under a ledge. Taken at Busselton Jetty  Western Australia. 
This image was shot with Iphone 14 pro   sealife sportdiver
By Arianne Lienert
posted (2 days ago)
Taken under permit
By Arun Madisetti
posted (5 days ago)
Mom and Babies
By Didier Pasquini
posted (6 days ago)
Goniobranchus reticulata nudibranch_February 2025
 Canon EF100 1/200 f22 iso125
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (last week)
Almost functionally extinct in the Caribbean  this beautiful D.Lab  grooved brain coral  is healthy.  BONAIRE  . Sealife micro3
By Arun Madisetti
posted (last week)
Healthy octocorals on the reef in Bonaire  not in the drop down menu . I guess Aruba is closest. Sealife micro3 seadragon lights
By Arun Madisetti
posted (last week)

Underwater Photo Location: Anilao batangas

Underwater Photo Location: Anilao batangas

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Macro dive sites
Facts about Anilao batangas
  • It is in Philippines
  • Anilao batangas is in the Philippine Sea.
  • The typical depth is 0-30 Metres 0-100 Feet.
  • The typical visibility is 3-10 Metres 10-30 Feet.
Dive types

Marine Life

Diving facilities

Photo facilities

by Dennis Chen
Phyllodesmium opalescens is a species of small sea slug, an aolid nudibranch, a marine gastropod mollusk in the family Facelinidae

by Wayne Jones
phycocaris simulans. "Red Hairy Portrait"

by Wayne Jones
Flabellina rubrolineata

by Wayne Jones
Goniobranchus hintuanensis

by Ponnie J
Snow is falling

by Marteyne Van Well
Weedy Scorpionfish / Rhinopias frondosa

by Wayne Jones
Rudarius excelsus Using 100mmL with 12mm and 25mm ext.tubes

by Wayne Jones
Thecacera sp.

by Ponnie J
Werewolf wanna be

by Wayne Jones
Zebrida adamsii in Retra snoot light

by Wayne Jones
Miropandalus hardingi

by Wayne Jones
Favorinus tsuruganus on Hexabranchus sanguineus eggs

by Wayne Jones
Doto ussi with egg

by Wayne Jones
Tozeuma sp.

by Wayne Jones
Rhinopias frondosa Back light with Retra splash

by Wayne Jones
Hippocampus bargibanti Hippocampus Rose Graden

by Wayne Jones
Caprella sp.

by Wayne Jones
Snapping Shrimp with parasite

by Wayne Jones
Kyphosis "Hunchback Shrimp"

by Wayne Jones
Flabellina angelvaldesi

by Wayne Jones
Dendronotus regius

by Wayne Jones
Caprella sp.

by Ponnie J
Bling it

by Ponnie J
we rise we shine

by Raffaele Livornese
Porcellain crab

by Stephen Tan
Fragile File Clam (Lima Fragilis) can swim continuously to avoid predators. This individual was constantly on the move evading my camera's lens. Quite a challenging subject to photogrpah.

by Wayne Jones
Metasepia pfefferi "Flamboyant Cuttlefish" Snooted in water column

by Marc Damant
I have been trying hard to get a good photo of a Banded Pipefish but when the guide pointed out this little 4cm baby it needed my 100mm macro lens plus my plus 5 diopter to bring out its true beauty.

by Wayne Jones
Goby on a Sea Pen Backlight with fill

by Wayne Jones
Lubricogobius exiguus Backlight with retra snoot fill

by Wayne Jones
Caprella sp. "With Egg"

by Wayne Jones
Caprella sp "Profile Of A Skeleton Shrimp"

by Wayne Jones
Idiomysis "Stay in Focus"

by Wayne Jones
Bryaninops yongei "Goby with White Polps"

by Wayne Jones
Flabellina rubrolineata "Soft Hue"

by Wayne Jones
Black Tunicate Goby with Egg

by Wayne Jones
Janolus savinkini Retra UWT snoot

by Wayne Jones
Phycocaris simulans Canon 5Div in Aquatica Digital A5DMkiv 2* Sea&Sea 250pro (manual) 100mmL with 37mm ext.tubes + SMC with multiplier 1/200 f16 iso160

by Wayne Jones
Phycocaris sp. Canon 5Div in Aquatica Digital A5DMkiv 2* Sea&Sea 250pro (manual) 100mmL with 37mm ext.tubes + SMC (Multiplier)? 1/200 f14 iso125

by Wayne Jones
Dasycaris ceratops

by Wayne Jones
Costasiella sp

by Wayne Jones
Flabellina rubrolineata

by Wayne Jones
Lissoporcellana nakasone

by Wayne Jones
Lissoporcellana nakasone Porcelain Crab with Egg Canon 5DMkiv in Aquatica Digital A5DMkiv 2* Sea&SEa 250pro (manual) 100mmL with 37mm ext.tubes + SMC (no crop) 1/200 f16 iso200

by Wayne Jones
Thecacera picta

by Wayne Jones
Costasiella kuroshimae (no crop)

by Wayne Jones
Rhinopias eschmeyeri

by Wayne Jones
Small Cuttlefish with Crinoid

by Frankie Rivera
Hanging there

by Wayne Jones
Caprella sp.

by Wayne Jones
Lissoporcellana nakasone

by Wayne Jones
Caprella sp. with Hydroid

by Wayne Jones
Small Coral Crab

by Wayne Jones
Caprella sp.

by Wayne Jones
Acreichthys sp Juvenile File Fish with Sea Pen

by Wayne Jones
Helcogramma striata

by Wayne Jones
Hypselodoris Infucata

by Wayne Jones
Eubranchus sp.

by Wayne Jones
Eubranchus sp

by Wayne Jones
Oxycirrhites typus

by Wayne Jones
Amphiprioninae - Clownfish in Anemone

by Wayne Jones
Hamodactylus sp

by Wayne Jones
Hypselodoris maculosa

by Wayne Jones
Bryaninops yongei - "Whip Coral Goby"

by Wayne Jones
Amphiprion ocellaris - "Clownfish with Anemone Homes"

by Wayne Jones
Costasiella kuroshimae

by Wayne Jones
Okenia brunneomaculata "With Eggs"

by Wayne Jones
"Blenny in the Hole"

by Wayne Jones
Nemateleotris magnifica

by Wayne Jones
Bryaninops yongei

by Wayne Jones
Aegires villosus

by Wayne Jones
Hamopontonia corallicola "Egg Shell Shrimp"

by Wayne Jones
Siokunichthys nigrolineatus "Mushroom-coral Pipefish SMCii

by Wayne Jones
Miamira sinuata

by Wayne Jones
Favorinus sp2

by Wayne Jones
Phyllognatia ceratophthalmus

by Wayne Jones
Tozeuma armatum

by Wayne Jones
Caprella sp.

by Wayne Jones
Oxynoe olivacea

by Wayne Jones
Caprella sp.

by Wayne Jones
Caprella sp.

by Wayne Jones
Dasycaris zanzibarica

by Wayne Jones
Favorinus mirabilis

by Wayne Jones
Caprella sp.

by Wayne Jones
Bryaninops yongei Retra_spective with SMCi

by Wayne Jones
Bryaninops yongei Retra_spective (time), through SMCii window (space)

by Ivan Manzanares
Nudi on Hot lava

by Wayne Jones
favorinus mirabilis

by Wayne Jones
Nemateleotris magnifica Portrait of Flame

by Wayne Jones
Melibe sp.

by Wayne Jones
Gelastocaris paronae

by Wayne Jones
Janolus sp. "Eating Hydroids"

by Wayne Jones
Janolus sp

by Wayne Jones
Dasycaris ceratops

by Wayne Jones
Bryaninops yongei

by Wayne Jones
Favorinus mirabilis

by Wayne Jones
Lubricogobius exiguus Two In A Bottle

by Wayne Jones
Thecacera picta.

by Raffaele Livornese
yellow goby inside the bottle

by Wayne Jones
Squid predation on fish during bonfire dive

by Wayne Jones
Argonauta sp. Paper Nautilus during blackwater dive Anilao

by Wayne Jones
Jelly & Fish

by Wayne Jones
Juvenile Mantis Shrimp - Blackwater

by Wayne Jones
Jack & Jelly

by Wayne Jones
Juvenile fish inside jellyfish - Blackwater

by Wayne Jones
"Snail" Blackwater dive

by Wayne Jones
Lubricogobius exiguus - Yellow Pygmy Goby - Life in a Bottle

by Wayne Jones
Chromodoris magnifica - "In Retra Light"

by Wayne Jones
Wunderpus photogenicus (larval) - Blackwater

by Rina Jones
Miropandalus hardingi.

by Wayne Jones
"Jack without Jelly" Blackwater

by Wayne Jones
Lubricogobius exiguus - Yellow Pygmy Goby

by Wayne Jones
Thecacera sp. - Orange Striped Pikachu

by Wayne Jones
Janolus savinkini

by Qunyi Zhang
Picture was taken last week in Anilao, the 2nd dive of the day. This blue ring octopus look quite big, 5 to 6 cm.

by Wayne Jones
Zebrida adamsii

by Wayne Jones

by Wayne Jones
Mouth Brooding Cardinal Fish

by Wayne Jones
Aegires villosus

by Wayne Jones
Caprella sp. with young & egg

by Wayne Jones
Turritopsis dohrnii. - Immortal Jellyfish Blackwater dive

by Wayne Jones
Ceratosoma sp. (very tiny) Image captured with Nauticam SMCii

by Wayne Jones
Larval Wunderpus photogenicus - Blackwater

by Wayne Jones
Jack and Jelly Fish...

by Wayne Jones
Post larval Mantis Shrimp in Blackwater

by Wayne Jones
Wunderpus photogenicus larval stage

by Corrine Allas
File fish behavior - camouflaged in its natural soft coral habitat

by Nur Tucker
A small blenny on a wire coral in Anilao, Battangas

by Wayne Jones
Phronima in salp with Eggs

by Wayne Jones
Cephalopod on small jelly

by Corrine Allas
blackwater dive - Anilao Photo Academy

by Wayne Jones
Phestilla melanobrachia

by Wayne Jones
Juvenile Jackfish finds safety inside Salp

by Wayne Jones
Argonauta hians - Paper Nautilus Blackwater

by Julian Hsu
Starfish shrimp

by Julian Hsu
Spiny tiger shrimp

by Magali Marquez
Lobiger viridis This small sea snail has camouflage coloration, but when it is under attack it display bright colors to frightening off a predator. Retra snoot was used. setting F13.0 1/200 ISO100.

by Glenn Ian Villanueva
This is a photo of a mantis shrimp carrying her eggs. The mantis shrimp was curious and wants to investigate the lightning flashes coming her way. :)

by Glenn Ian Villanueva
This is a photo of a pikachu nudibranch (Thecacera Pacifica) using a red light to produce an orange environment. Taken during the 2021 Anilao UW Shootout in Buceo house reef, Anilao, Batangas, Philippines.

by Penn De Los Santos
Harlequin Shrimp

by Rina Jones
Nudibranch in classic pose captured in Anilao

by Raffaele Livornese
Harlequin crab with snooted strobe light

by Roy Spraakman
Hipocampus, Pygmy Seahorse on coral fan. Taken off Anilao, Phillipines. Nikon D850, f25, 1/320th, ISO 640, 105mm

by Ravinthran Dhamodaram
Very colorful subject

by Roy Spraakman
This very young frog fish was about 3mm in length. Difficult shot. Image was taken at Anilao, Philippines
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