A monthly hotshot is an entry that was shortlisted by 2 or more judges. The monthly winners (1st, 2nd, 3rd and Runner Ups) are chosen from this short list by our editor (no medals, just your name in the lights for a month!). They are chosen according to the number of judges votes with some reference to the peoples votes and the editor’s choice. It is no coincidence that many of the Hotshots end up in the annual awards!
To get a chance to feature your photo in next month’s winners, enter your best underwater photo here.
The monthly winners for September have been announced. Thank you all for entering and Congratulations to the winners and runners up!
Check out September’s well deserved winners:
1st Place:
Small gobi on a seafeather
Editor’s Comment:
In Category: Macro – swimming | Taken in: Bali, Indonesia

Beate Seiler I am Beate Seiler from Germany.
I was certified in 1995 on Maui/Hawaii and I started with UW/Photography at WAKATOBI in 2004.
I do also cold water /Drysuit Diving. I like all the different dive spots like Bonaire, Hawaii , Mediterranian sea , Red sea, SulawesiSea and the Bali Sea and of course our Freshwater lakes in Germany! My first camera equipment was a Canon S70 and a Canaon housing WPDC 40, with a macro lens and Inon Strobe Z240.Then I switched to a Canon G12 with a Recsea housing.
Currently I’m using a Sony RX100 IV with a Nauticam housing and 2 Inon strobe Z240
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2nd Place:
A Small snakelocks anemone (Sagartiogeton undatus)
Editor’s Comment:
In Category: Temperate Waters | Taken in: North Sea Netherlands

I started diving in 1992 and photography became a part of my life around 1997. I made my first underwaterphotos in Sharm El Sheikh with a rented Nikonos. In 2000 I began competing in underwater photography contests. After 25 years in the water I’m still addicted to the underwaterworld. I photograph with a Nikon D7100 in a Hugyfot housing. I hope you enjoy my photos as much as I do 😉
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3rd Place:
Goby Pink Eyes
Editor’s Comment:
In Category: Macro – Super macro | Taken in: Sulu and Sulawesi Seas Indonesia

I use Nikon D800E and Nikon D200 with two strobo Sea and Sea 120 , both in housing Seacam. Before I had use the Nikon F90x with slide Fuji 50 My lens: 10,5 ;16 mm ;17_35mm, 60 macro-, 105 macro. 12-24mm.I use memory card :sundisk 16 Giga CF and SD 64 Giga
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Runner Up:
Happy Moray
Editor’s Comment:
In Category: Macro – Close-Up | Taken in: Caribbean Sea Puerto Rico

I am currently using Sony DSC-RX100 with lenses and strobes Inon.
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- Apr/May 2023 – UW Photo Contest Winners - May 7, 2023
- June 2022 – UW Photo Contest Winners - July 22, 2022
- May 2022 – UW Photo Contest Winners - July 22, 2022