A monthly hotshot is an entry that was shortlisted by 2 or more judges. The monthly winners (1st, 2nd, 3rd and Runner Ups) are chosen from this short list by our editor (no medals, just your name in the lights for a month!). They are chosen according to the number of judges votes with some reference to the peoples votes and the editor’s choice. It is no coincidence that many of the Hotshots end up in the annual awards!
To get a chance to feature your photo in next month’s winners, enter your best underwater photo here.
The monthly winners for May have been announced. Thank you all for entering and Congratulations to the winners and runners up!
Check out May’s well deserved winners:
1st Place:
‘Lemon Shark evening split’
Subal underwater housing, Canon 1Dx, Canon EF 8-15mm@15mm, f11, 1/160, ISO400, ambient light and Inon Z240 strobe
Editor’s Comment:
One of the best captures we have seen here in months! Perfect framing of the subject, perfect lighting and awesome composition. Incredible shot!
In Category: Over/Under (shots half topside, half U/W) | Taken in: Bahamas

An active and passionate diver since 1997, it was not until the Spring of 2012 that I first took a DSLR camera into the water. Immediately hooked, I am no longer a diver. I am now an observer, and the oceans, rivers and lakes are my studio.
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2nd Place:
‘Arrow Eyes’
Editor’s Comment:
Excellent shot of a fairly popular subject. Great use of rule of thirds, perfect spot-on focus and excellent framing.
In Category: Macro – Super macro | Taken in: Cayman islands

I first became interested in marine photography over 10 years ago when working as a volunteer on a marine expedition to Fiji.
After completing an MSc in marine science in 2008 studying the endangered Bumphead Parrotfish, I worked in the Caribbean and Egypt for various marine conservation NGo’s. My underwater photographs from Tobago were used by Coral Cay Conservation to help promote marine awareness throughout the Caribbean and images from the TCI appeared in Caribbean Reef Magazine. My photos have also appeared in the Thailand Pocket Dive Guide 2013 and the journal Methods in Ecology and Evolution, cover shot April 2013. I currently work as an underwater photography instructor at Cathy Church’s Photo Centre in the Cayman Islands.
Underwater photography experience
Fiji, Soloman Islands, Tobago, TCI, Egypt, Madagascar, Thailand, Cayman Islands
3rd Place:
Juvenile scorpionfish
Editor’s Comment:
Awesome subject, great super macro! A face only a mother can love…
In Category: Macro – Close-Up | Taken in: United States

I was certified in 1995 on Maui/Hawaii and I started with UW/Photography at WAKATOBI in 2004.
I do also cold water /Drysuit Diving.
I like all the different dive spots like Bonaire, Hawaii , Mediterranian sea , Red sea, SulawesiSea and the Bohol Sea and of course our Freshwater lakes in Germany!
My first camera equipment was a Canon S70 and a Canaon housing WPDC 40, with a macro lens and Inon Strobe Z240.
Currently I’m using a Canon G12 with a Recsea housing.
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Runner Up:
Window to the Soul
A large female tiger shark makes eye contact, while another tiger shark swims nearby.
Editor’s Comment:
Very cool shot!
In Category: Sharks | Taken in: Bahamas

I’m Tanya Houppermans, and I live in Virginia. I love to dive with sharks, and have had the honor of diving with tiger sharks, sand tigers, reef sharks, blue sharks, makos, lemons, and nurse sharks. I hope to capture images that inspire people to care about the ocean and the creatures that live in it. I shoot with an Olympus OM-D E-M1, Nauticam housing, and Sea&Sea YS-D1 strobes.
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Runner Up:
Tiger Pipefish, Chowder Bay
Editor’s Comment:
Outstanding macro shot!
In Category: Macro – Close-Up | Taken in: Australia

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Runner Up:
Mouth brooding Cardinal
Much patiences waiting for composition and open mouth to coincide.
Editor’s Comment:
Great symmetrical portrait. Love these face-offs.
In Category: Macro – swimming | Taken in: Philippines

Gopro with Sola 2200 lights.
Canon 5d iii in Aquatica, 2x 250pro
Living in Aniloa, Philippines.
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- Apr/May 2023 – UW Photo Contest Winners - May 7, 2023
- June 2022 – UW Photo Contest Winners - July 22, 2022
- May 2022 – UW Photo Contest Winners - July 22, 2022