A monthly hotshot is an entry that was shortlisted by 2 or more judges. The monthly winners (1st, 2nd, 3rd and Runner Ups) are chosen from this short list by our editor (no medals, just your name in the lights for a month!). They are chosen according to the number of judges votes with some reference to the peoples votes and the editor’s choice. It is no coincidence that many of the Hotshots end up in the annual awards!
To get a chance to feature your photo in next month’s winners, enter your best underwater photo here.
The monthly winners for February have been announced. Thank you all for entering and Congratulations to the winners and runners up!
Check out February’s well deserved winners:
1st Place:
A curious baby humpback swims by me on the way to get a breath. The escort male is just visible behind momma. Despite the protection of the adult whales, two orcas killed and ate the baby the day after this photo was taken.
Editor’s Comment:
Magical shot showing the ocean’s most majestic creatures and making us all jealous 🙂 The ambient light here worked perfectly and the colors are deep and precise. Clear winner!
In Category: Wide Angle – Marine Life | Taken in: Mexico

Hi, I’m Craig. I have only been shooting DSLR for three years but never go anywhere without my camera now! I prefer the technical challenges of supermacro but also enjoy wide-angle big animal action.
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2nd Place:
Editor’s Comment:
Spot on focus, terrific colors and well lit. Perfect Nudibranch shot!
In Category: Macro – Nudibranchia | Taken in: Indonesia

D 800
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3rd Place:
Cathedral is a favourite spot for the Raggies of Aliwal Shoal to hang out, these ladies have been here way to long and I suspect they may not be leaving till the next season passes.
Editor’s Comment:
Perfect framing and dramatic lighting, as well as an excellent expression on the shark! Awesome photo.
In Category: Sharks | Taken in: South Africa

I am a passionate self-taught photographer and owner of Allen Walker Photography (Pty) Ltd. I am supported, inspired and motivated by my stunning wife Ronelle, who has taught me patience – something every photographer needs.
I got involved in Photography in 2007, specializing in UW photography, since then the company has broadened it’s scope to Wildlife, Sport and Landscapes. I am passionate about our South African wildlife heritage, both on the land and in the sea!
However with my passion comes a robust, hard but honest approach to photography and opinions. I believe that photography should be creative, fresh and inspiring.It is also extremely important to “give back”, so I endeavor to assist organizations dedicated to the conservation of the environment and where I can, I want my images to tell the story. I do not have a lot of financial wealth, but where I can contribute with my photographic ability to work for the greater cause, I will and do.
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Runner Up:
Eagle Ray close up, Akumal Mexico
Editor’s Comment:
Impressive shot! Eagle rays usually won’t let you get this close but this one seems to like you. Nice and dramatic capture.
In Category: Wide Angle – Close Focus | Taken in: Mexico

in my first years i was used a Nikonos V, but now i am use the Canon 7 D, since december 2011, i love the red sea, coco island and mexico
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Runner Up:
Neighborhood Watch
Two Caribbean reef sharks watch over a reef at Tiger Beach, Bahamas.
Editor’s Comment:
Very nice capture of the two sharks! Well composed and well lit.
In Category: Sharks | Taken in: Bahamas

I’m Tanya Houppermans, and I live in Virginia. I love to dive with sharks, and have had the honor of diving with tiger sharks, sand tigers, reef sharks, blue sharks, makos, lemons, and nurse sharks. I hope to capture images that inspire people to care about the ocean and the creatures that live in it. I shoot with an Olympus OM-D E-M1, Nauticam housing, and Sea&Sea YS-D1 strobes.
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Runner Up:
Red Clingfish Acyrtus rubiginosus… with eggs!
D800 with 105mm +10 subsee diopter
Editor’s Comment:
Beautiful sneak peak at this little Clingfish’s little world. You can almost sense his love and worry for the little eggs.
In Category: Macro – Close-Up | Taken in: Netherlands Antilles

Use a Nikon D80 w/sea+sea housing, twin YS110 strobes. Have been diving since 1985. I was a critter guy before (I found everything rooting around in the shallows with a magnifying glass). I had a 1000 dives before I started lugging the camera around, found a clingfish on a night dive in Bio-Luminesence Bay P.R. and decided right there I needed a camera. Shooting for about 5 years now. Dive mostly in the carib. Spend most of my time in Bonaire, south end of Bonaire is my favorite, but it is all good!
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Runner Up:
Twisting and Turning Hammer
Editor’s Comment:
Gotta love those hammerheads. Nice job noticing the shadow and including it in the frame. Great angle and composition. Well done!
In Category: Sharks | Taken in: Bahamas

Ken Kiefer has always had a love for the water and it’s residents. He grew up surfing and loving nature. This progressed to lifeguarding to stay near the water as much as possible. While lifeguarding he was introduced to scuba diving in 1992 and it was love at first breath. He quickly progressed through the dive ranks to become a PADI instructor by 1994.
He wanted to share all of the beauty that he was experiencing underwater with his friends and family, so he tried both still photography and video to bring a small part of the underwater realm home to them. Starting with a tiny point and shoot Sealife and working through a Nikonos and various small video formats, Ken found his passion when DSLRs came onto the scene. Digital media allowed him to better express the creativity that he wanted to show.
Ken honed his photojournalistic style by shooting in the swift currents of Cozumel and with speedy swim teams. He had to learn to compose shots in seconds, because many times …
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- Apr/May 2023 – UW Photo Contest Winners - May 7, 2023
- June 2022 – UW Photo Contest Winners - July 22, 2022
- May 2022 – UW Photo Contest Winners - July 22, 2022