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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Eduard Bello (11)

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Peoples' Vote

Beside the pier in San Marino
By Eduard Bello
posted Monday, November 13, 2017
17 votes

Slijmvis, parablennius lypophris
By Eduard Bello
posted Monday, August 20, 2018
17 votes

Brede ringsprietslak, facelina auriculata. Dutch waters:Dreischor Parking depth:10m temperature 13C
By Eduard Bello
posted Thursday, October 12, 2017
16 votes

Gewone steurgarnaal, palaemon serratus
By Eduard Bello
posted Saturday, August 18, 2018
15 votes

Made in clear water at TODI.
By Eduard Bello
posted Thursday, January 4, 2018
14 votes

Bruine plooislak, gonedoris castanea
By Eduard Bello
posted Tuesday, August 14, 2018
14 votes

Name: blauwtipje. Seen 30-7-2017 Zeeland, Zeelandbrug
By Eduard Bello
posted Monday, July 31, 2017
13 votes

Just around, Sepiola
By Eduard Bello
posted Saturday, July 14, 2018
13 votes

Awesome clear lake, Samarangersee
By Eduard Bello
posted Thursday, August 2, 2018
13 votes

Just a view fish passing by...
By Eduard Bello
posted Thursday, August 16, 2018
13 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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301 Entries Found: Page 11  of  12
Little green seaweed nudibranch
Beautiful camouflage. Slanke waaierslak, flabellina glacilis
Just 2cm. Always awesome
Holding each other. Husband and wife...
Not a sea, but a hudge dive tank. Todi
Always hidding...
Finally they are back after a cold winter periode. Flabellina...
Always around in thevvold waters. Awesome colours. They glue at the oysters..
Galathea squafimera, just a short moment before it left.
In a sandy water the live is quet. Temperature 4C. So the lonely plants struckle to stay alive.
Golden Pearl
Just behind a pilar
Sint-Annaland, Zeeland. Colourful Seeweed
During a contest dive, nearby shore side
Penseelkrab, hemigrabsus takanoi. Common in the dutch waters.
Small "aasgarnaal"
Geknikte aasgarnaal, praunus flexuosus just 2cm...
Zoetwaterkogelvis (puffer) at TODI.
Botervis, Pholis gunnellus. Butterfish at 9m depth at the Zeelandbrug (sealandbridge)
Made in clear water at TODI.
Vlokslak, Aeolidia papillosa found at a depth of 9m.
Always around. Small goby...
Pipe fish with in his right a tiny (gestippelde mosdierslak) nudibranch
This picture is taken at a depth of 2m. Just under the water level... This year they are first seen in many number.
Beside the pier in San Marino
Kleine dieseltreinworm met eierenbal/streng
Gezaagde steurgarnaal, palaemon serratus. Almost 12cm
301 Entries Found: Page 11  of  12