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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Michael Kovach

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Peoples' Vote

Swimming with a turtle on the Inside Reef at Lauderdale by the Sea
By Michael Kovach
posted Monday, March 30, 2009
30 votes

Neon Goby swimming above a symmetrical brain coral on the way to the Ledge of Turtles off the Fort Lauderdale beach
By Michael Kovach
posted Friday, January 20, 2012
27 votes

Ocean Surgeonfish on the inside reef at Lauderdale by the Sea
By Michael Kovach
posted Friday, February 8, 2008
26 votes

Lobster on the inside reef at Lauderdale by the Sea
By Michael Kovach
posted Saturday, June 28, 2008
25 votes

Fish on the Inside Reef at Lauderdale by the Sea
By Michael Kovach
posted Wednesday, July 8, 2009
25 votes

Queen Angelfish looking at me over coral on the reef at the Pelican Grand in Fort Lauderdale
By Michael Kovach
posted Saturday, March 28, 2009
22 votes

Alien looking tube sponge on the inside reef at Lauderdale by the Sea
By Michael Kovach
posted Sunday, May 25, 2008
21 votes

Star Horseshoe Worm on the Big Coral Knoll off the beach in Fort Lauderdale.
By Michael Kovach
posted Monday, February 13, 2012
21 votes

Angel fish at the inside reef at Lauderdale by the Sea
By Michael Kovach
posted Thursday, January 10, 2008
20 votes

Open Water Divers navigating the inside reef at Lauderdale by the Sea
By Michael Kovach
posted Friday, May 9, 2008
20 votes
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434 Entries Found: Page 1  of  17
Blotched Swimming Crab on the flats to the South of the Big Coral Knoll off the beach in Fort Lauderdale.
Rock Hind swimming along the Big Coral Knoll, off the beach in Fort Lauderdale.
Yellowtail Damselfish on the Big Coral Knoll, off the beach in Fort Lauderdale.
Green Sea Turtle in the algae on the way to the Big Coral Knoll off the beach in Fort Lauderdale.
Lantern Bass on the Big Coral Knoll off the beach in Fort Lauderdale.
White Grunt seeking dental care from a Juvenile French Angelfish on the Perpendicular Rocks just South of the Big Coral Knoll
Butter Hamlet on the First Reefline North of the Big Coral Knoll off the beach in Fort Lauderdale.
Juvenile Porkfish on the Big Coral Knoll off the beach in Fort Lauderdale.
Sergeant Major on the Perpendicular Rocks just South of the Big Coral Knoll off the beach in Fort Lauderdale.
Basket Star on the First Reefline on the way to the Big Coral Knoll off the beach in Fort Lauderdale
Christmas Tree Worm on Coral at the Big Coral Knoll off the beach in Fort Lauderdale.
Juvenile Porkfish on the Fish Camp Rocks off the beach in Fort Lauderdale.
Rough File Clam at the Fish Camp Rocks off the beach in Fort Lauderdale
Juvenile Foureye Butterflyfish at the Fish Camp Rocks off the beach in Fort Lauderdale.
Porcupine Fish at the Fish Camp Rocks off the beach in Fort Lauderdale.
Plant life just off the beach in Fort Lauderdale.
Black Sea Bass, one of the half dozen or so that now inhabit what is left of the Nursery after Hurricane Sandy blew through. They chase my bubbles and look for handouts when I swim by.
Gray Angelfish on the Big Coral Knoll off the beach in Fort Lauderdale.
Fingerprint Cyphoma on the Big Coral Knoll off the beach in Fort Lauderdale.
Juvenile Stoplight Parrotfish on the Big Coral Knoll off the beach in Fort Lauderdale
Christmas Tree Worm on Symmetrical Brain Coral on the Big Coral Knoll off the beach in Fort Lauderdale.
Cymothoid Isopod attached to a Doctorfish on the way to the Fish Camp Rocks off the beach in Fort Lauderdale.
diver ascending from a compartment in the Sea Emperor.
Cowfish on Abbey Too Reef on Hillsboro Ledge.
Gray Angelfish swimming above the Abbey Too reef on the Hillsboro Ledge out of Hillsboro Inlet, just North of Fort Lauderdale.
Divers on their way to the wreck of the Sea Emperor out of Hillsboro Inlet
Cymothoid Isopod affixed to a Doctorfish on the Big Coral Knoll off the beach in Fort Lauderdale.
434 Entries Found: Page 1  of  17