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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Iyad Suleyman (33)

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Peoples' Vote

By Iyad Suleyman
posted Tuesday, October 30, 2012
69 votes

Lovely Couple, Pygmy Seahorses
By Iyad Suleyman
posted Monday, September 3, 2012
65 votes

By Iyad Suleyman
posted Sunday, March 17, 2013
63 votes

Eye to eye... ;-)
Pink Anemonefish and Commensal shrimp
By Iyad Suleyman
posted Sunday, April 1, 2012
61 votes

Blenny Poertrait 
(Result of experiment with +17 diopter)
By Iyad Suleyman
posted Sunday, July 15, 2012
58 votes

Blenny Portrait 
(One more shot from my Blenny's series)
By Iyad Suleyman
posted Tuesday, January 29, 2013
57 votes

Blue Blenny with +10 SubSee wetdiopter and +2 Inon
By Iyad Suleyman
posted Sunday, November 25, 2012
56 votes

Under the jetty. Different view.
By Iyad Suleyman
posted Wednesday, January 9, 2013
56 votes

Chromodoris annae
By Iyad Suleyman
posted Wednesday, September 5, 2012
54 votes

Egg of Jellyfish
By Iyad Suleyman
posted Saturday, January 26, 2013
54 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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886 Entries Found: Page 33  of  33
Nembrotha lineolata
Jetty of Wakatobi Dive Resort from underwater
Hairy squat lobster
100mm + 10 SubSee
Purple-eyed Goby
100mm +10 SubSee
Western Clown Anemonefish
Squat shrimp
Crinoid squat lobster
Canon 60D
Two whip gobies
Canon 60D
Long Arm Shrimp (Periclemenes tenuipes)
Canon 60D
Seahorse holding onto a rope
Canon 60D
Eastern Skunk Anemonefish
"Golden fish" smile
Canon 60D, 100mm macro
Nudibranch (Phillidiella pustulosa) taken with Canon 60D, using a snoot
Scorpoinfish's eye
This shot was taken with Canon 60D, 100mm macro lens, no crop
Bigeyes resting under the "coral tree"
Canon 60D, Tokina 10-17mm
Bubble Coral Shrimp in an unusual posture, this is the first time when I saw its tail drawn under.
Canon 60D, 100mm macro, +10 SubSee
Whip goby
Shot taken with Canon 60D, 60mm macro lens
Crinoid squat lobster in details
(Allogalathea eleqans)
Longnose Hawkfish
This picture was taken with Canon 60D, 100mm macro lens
Soft coral crab
Picture was taken with Nikon D3s in Subal housing, Ikelite strobes, 70 mm macro, +10 SubSee
Spider crab (Xenocarcinus conicus)
This photo was taken during the night dive.
Two Squat Shrimps .
886 Entries Found: Page 33  of  33