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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Suzan Meldonian (16)

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Peoples' Vote

Jawfish with eggs about to hatch
By Suzan Meldonian
posted Sunday, August 21, 2011
58 votes

Call of the Wild.....
By Suzan Meldonian
posted Friday, September 2, 2011
55 votes

Eyes of Scallop super close
By Suzan Meldonian
posted Thursday, January 12, 2012
50 votes

ornate frilled seahorse
By Suzan Meldonian
posted Saturday, March 3, 2012
50 votes

Plump little bumblebee shrimp.. having fun with the 10x now.
By Suzan Meldonian
posted Tuesday, March 13, 2012
49 votes

Honey- I'm watchin' the kids tonight!
Taken with 105 mm + 10x diopter
By Suzan Meldonian
posted Tuesday, April 26, 2011
48 votes

....Helloooooo... Here I am! 
Blue Throat Pike Blenny -really bellowing hard for a lady
By Suzan Meldonian
posted Friday, May 27, 2011
47 votes

Blue throat Pike Blenny
By Suzan Meldonian
posted Wednesday, February 29, 2012
47 votes

2 days aaaand counting! Phew!
Male Yellowhead jawfish with eggs, Blue Heron Bridge
By Suzan Meldonian
posted Wednesday, February 20, 2013
47 votes

Rock Beauty
By Suzan Meldonian
posted Monday, September 19, 2011
46 votes
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428 Entries Found: Page 16  of  16
Little Man. Juvenile cowfish about the size of your thumb.
Juvenile Band Tail Sea Robin. Size of a quarter.
Gray reef shark close up.
Food for Thought... P Blue throat Pike Blenny displaying in hopes of catching a mate, catches a morsel floating by instead.
La, La, La, Laaaaaaaa Fiiii-garo.
Banded Jawfish with new eggs.
Don't bite my head off!

editor's comments

Editor's Comment
great behavior shot
Eyes of Medusa
It has a Tongue! Who knew a fireworm had a tongue. Just goes to show, if you observe a critter long enough- you will find out amazing things about it.
A side trip to Anhinga Trail in Everglades national Park. This Alligator decided to pop up suddenly- teeth and all! Far too many alligators to even consider diving there.
At first, I thought this was the red-est scorpion fish that I'd ever found, but his wing span was different. He bristled -reminding me of one of those desert lizards. Turns out, its a Barbfish- related to scorpions. So alien looking.
Fireworms have always been a source of pain, diving in a muck dive world, so I got to wondering, what do they look like from the victim's perspective? They are beautiful, and if I saw this coming at me, ... I wouldn't run, ... but stare in awe.
"I said no more pictures!" a sand perch displays tonsils as a warning- come no closer!
Headshield slugs migrate into the Blue Heron Bridge, I think a couple of times per year. Their striking colors make them easy to see, yet their constant movement makes them a challenge. This is a close up of the face shield.
Holding your breath until you turn blue? eh?? Well, it seems that a normal Seaweed Blenny will turn a brilliant shade of blue after tackling a fireworm. Hmm, guess some like it hot & spicy! Mmmm, yum! Chaaaa.
What can I say, I love seahorses.
Something ethereal about the back lighting of this Hairy Blenny caught by surprise in a cross fire of lights which dubiously occured as a result of several photographers trying to photograph a seahorse on the other side of my subject.
I love Seahorses. So delicate. The intricasies within their design reveal only more design.
A Male Dragonet displaying colors and lips trying to make himself handsome for the girls. This was the first time I'd seen one turn whitish.
I find close up shots very revealing. For example -this shrimp has a forked tongue- very strange eyes.
I just love how on a night dive you will come upon a habitat with several of these "punk rocker" decorator crabs. Each one's apparel is fancier than the next... as if they are trying to out-do one another!
The most graceful creature in the sea is a Spotted Eagle Ray. They avoid divers' bubbles. I waited as it came thru the bridge and held my breath. 8 ft across, it moved swiftly. Then it slowed. As it was right upon me, I gasped for air & it took off.
Green Razor in full dress... eyeing the camera.
Close up of a Banded Coral Shrimp - It really does have a clownsy looking face. Murder to get a straight on shot of him, but patience is a virtue.
428 Entries Found: Page 16  of  16