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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Marko Perisic (16)

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Peoples' Vote

Jelly Pack
By Marko Perisic
posted Saturday, September 24, 2011
67 votes

By Marko Perisic
posted Saturday, October 22, 2011
59 votes

By Marko Perisic
posted Thursday, November 24, 2011
57 votes

By Marko Perisic
posted Wednesday, November 23, 2011
55 votes

By Marko Perisic
posted Saturday, September 17, 2011
53 votes

Sea Squirt
By Marko Perisic
posted Wednesday, June 22, 2011
51 votes

Diving the Salem Express
By Marko Perisic
posted Wednesday, June 24, 2009
50 votes

Carcharhinus Longimanus. Daedalus reef.
By Marko Perisic
posted Monday, July 13, 2009
50 votes

By Marko Perisic
posted Saturday, October 13, 2007
49 votes

By Marko Perisic
posted Sunday, February 28, 2010
49 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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482 Entries Found: Page 16  of  18
A Greasy Grouper (epinephelus tauvina). Set to ambush its prey. South Red Sea.
Fluted Giant Clam (tridacna squamosa)
Hot !
Gold-dotted Flatworm (thysanozoon) even more spectacular when free swimming. South Red Sea.
I turn to find a Smooth Cornetfish (fistularia commersonii) shadowing me as i descend to depth on a dive. They tend to do this for protection against larger predators.
Common pond frog. Taken with Canon 40D and a 150 mm sigma lense.
Sawtoothed Feather Sar (oligometra serripinna) perches on soft corals. South Red Sea.
The keeper of the reef. A Napoleon Wrasse (cheilinus undulatus). Showing a keen interest in me.
Keeping a eye on me and the reef. A Freckled Hawkfish (paracirrhites forsteri) South Red Sea.
A Thorny Sea Star (fromia nodosa) on a swim through South Red Sea. Canon G9 wide angle
A reef scene of juvenile Three-spot Dascyllus (dascyllus trimaculatus) on there anemones. South Red Sea.
My first photo in the Red Sea with the G9 Blackfin Barracuda (sphyraena) qenie
Surfin across Lac De Lou in the french alps on a snow board at 2100m.
This time a skier takes a run at Lac De Lou in the french alps 2100m. As the snow melts the entry point for diving becomes larger by the day. Giving these guys the thrill of a 18m+ crossing, to where we enter for the dive.
At 2100m Lac De Lou in the french alps can be dived. Before our dive these guys where crossing the entry point to the dive on there snow boards. It made for some interesting subjects.
Divers at the ready. Calvi Corsica
Patterns on a Sea Urchin
Yellow Encrusting Anemone (Parazoanthus axinellae) Calvi Corsica.
Perentie goanna getting the early morning sun. North Western Australia.
Maybe someone out there might help me identify this one i'm not sure what it is. Gilli islands Indonesia. Thanks
A pair of Nudies going about their business. Gilli Islands Indonesia.
very delicate Peacock worm (Sabella pavonina) Calvi Corsica.
B-17 Her Did Calvi Corsica.
A pair of Moray-eel's(Murene helena) Calvi Corsica.
Big Picarel (Spicara maena) Calvi Corsica.
Holding his ground and displaying his skills a juvenile Grouper (Epinephelus marginatus) Calvi Corsica.
Over looking the islands at sunset Primosten Croatia.
482 Entries Found: Page 16  of  18