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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Marko Perisic (15)

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Peoples' Vote

Jelly Pack
By Marko Perisic
posted Saturday, September 24, 2011
67 votes

By Marko Perisic
posted Saturday, October 22, 2011
59 votes

By Marko Perisic
posted Thursday, November 24, 2011
57 votes

By Marko Perisic
posted Wednesday, November 23, 2011
55 votes

By Marko Perisic
posted Saturday, September 17, 2011
53 votes

Sea Squirt
By Marko Perisic
posted Wednesday, June 22, 2011
51 votes

Diving the Salem Express
By Marko Perisic
posted Wednesday, June 24, 2009
50 votes

Carcharhinus Longimanus. Daedalus reef.
By Marko Perisic
posted Monday, July 13, 2009
50 votes

By Marko Perisic
posted Saturday, October 13, 2007
49 votes

By Marko Perisic
posted Sunday, February 28, 2010
49 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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482 Entries Found: Page 15  of  18
Great time with a great giant Napoleon Wrasse (cheilinus undulatus). Fury Shoals.
A Orchid Dottyback (pseudochromis fridmani) has set up home in the toilet of the Thien Sin Tug Wreck. Abu Galawa
Hermit Crabs come into contact with each other. Bol Brac.
A Pink Flabellina (flabellina affinis) tending to what i believe are its eegs.
A Mostelle (phycis phycis) with the wreck of the Teti sunk 1930 in the background. Komiza Vis.
Eyes to the lens. A diver and a Red Scorpion fish (scorpaena scrofa) On the wreck of the Vassilios at a depth 47m. Sunk 1939 Komiza Vis.
A closer look at a Fire Worm (hermodice carunculata)
A Tompot Blenny (parablennius gattorugine) takes a good look into the lens. Komiza Vis.
A portrait of Yellow Solitary Coral (leptopsammia pruvoti) at a depth of 55m. Komiza Vis
Resting on a Beadlet Anemone A Periclimenes Amethysteus. A first for myself happy days. Komiza Vis.
A Lettered Perch (Serranas scriba) takes a look into the lens. Komiza Vis island
Dance of the Pink Flabelline (flabellina affinis) Komiza Croatia.
Reef seen with a Greasy Grouper(epinephelus tauvina) taking center stage.
Lets see some teeth. A Giant Moray (gymnothorax javanicus) not scared to show its set.
Vic Trigger (pro snow boarder) makes it look easy surfing across Lac De Lou 2100m in the french alps. As the snow melts we are able to dive the lake as long as the snow boarders are not crossing overhead.
A African Chromodorid (chromodoris africana) the first for me happy days after a long search. South Red Sea.
Often attracted by divers lights this Common Lionfish (pterois miles) is on the hunt on this night dive. Using the light of my strobe to find its prey. South Red Sea.
A Napoleon Wrasse (cheilinus undulatus) faces up for a portrait. I would have liked to crop this one but i'm not sure how it would turn out.
Reef seen with Red Sea Anemonefish (amphiprion bicinctus) while divers approach from the background. South Red Sea.
Up close and personal with a Giant Moray (gymnothorax javanicus)
A very territorial male Speckled Sandperch (parapercis hexophthalma). Looking after his harem and keeping an eye on me at the same time.
A freshwater snail on a night dive in a disused quarry off the A59 Tilburg.
On the southern tip of Corsica. With its steep sandstone cliffs you will find Bonifacio, known for some great diving.
Chasing tails Orbicular Spadefish (platax orbicularis) South Red Sea.
Tech Diver going deep Antibes France.
A Napoleon Wrasse (cheilinus undulatus) the keeper of the reef in for a closer look. South Red Sea.
Giant Moray (gymnothorax javanicus) shows off the hard wear.South Red Sea.
482 Entries Found: Page 15  of  18