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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Marko Perisic (14)

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Peoples' Vote

Jelly Pack
By Marko Perisic
posted Saturday, September 24, 2011
67 votes

By Marko Perisic
posted Saturday, October 22, 2011
59 votes

By Marko Perisic
posted Thursday, November 24, 2011
57 votes

By Marko Perisic
posted Wednesday, November 23, 2011
55 votes

By Marko Perisic
posted Saturday, September 17, 2011
53 votes

Sea Squirt
By Marko Perisic
posted Wednesday, June 22, 2011
51 votes

Diving the Salem Express
By Marko Perisic
posted Wednesday, June 24, 2009
50 votes

Carcharhinus Longimanus. Daedalus reef.
By Marko Perisic
posted Monday, July 13, 2009
50 votes

By Marko Perisic
posted Saturday, October 13, 2007
49 votes

By Marko Perisic
posted Sunday, February 28, 2010
49 votes
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482 Entries Found: Page 14  of  18
Flabellina affinis. Night dive Komiza Vis.
Knots. Hvar Harbour.
Napoleon Wrasse (cheilinus undulatus) on a cleaning station. South Red Sea.
Portrait of a Coral Grouper. South Red Sea.
In the blue Blackfin Barracuda (sphyraena qenie). South Egypt.
Prop section of the Bratislava wreck.
Pink Flabelline (flabellina affinis) on a night dive Komiza Vis.
A Cylinder Anemone (cerianthus) on a night dive Komiza Vis.
A Zebra Anemone
A Fire Worm (hermodice carunculata) makes its way over sponges. Komiza Vis.
A Rock Crab in a very shallow depth natural light.
Burning sunset over Primosten Dalmatcia.
Tube Worm
Yellow Clathrina (clathrina clathrus) Komiza Vis.
Golden Sunset Porto Corsica.
Chained to its resting place. The back section of the Bratislava.
A Giant Moray (gymnothorax javanicus) fills the frame. South Red Sea
Portrait of a diver. Blue Cave Komiza Vis.
A good swell and plenty of time to take it all in waiting for the divers to come back up.
Yellow Solitary Coral at a depth of 55m Komiza Vis.
Red Sea reef seen
Incrusted in soft corals the fly wheel on the wreck of the Teti sunk 1930. Komiza Vis.
A Flat star on the wreck of the Teti sunk 1930 Komiza Vis.
A Long Striped Blenny takes a look into the lens. Komiza Vis.
Ask the question get no answer. A Fire Worm (hermodice carunculata). Komiza Vis.
The wreck of the sail boat the Bratislava. Sunk off the island of Ciovo in 2006.
482 Entries Found: Page 14  of  18