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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Chris Krambeck (6)

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Peoples' Vote

By Chris Krambeck
posted Friday, July 5, 2013
24 votes

periwinkle gym
By Chris Krambeck
posted Friday, September 27, 2013
22 votes

By Chris Krambeck
posted Saturday, December 14, 2013
21 votes

plumatella zooids
side by side 
with hydras and bell animacules,
alltogether feeding on 
microbial plankton
By Chris Krambeck
posted Thursday, August 16, 2012
20 votes

Three inch loach (cobitis taenia).
Just stopped chewing sand for dinner, wondering about the illumination.
By Chris Krambeck
posted Wednesday, June 19, 2013
20 votes

Damselfly (3 of 4):
Now ready to fly and ...
(Coenagrium pulchellum)
By Chris Krambeck
posted Thursday, May 30, 2013
19 votes

Palaemon adspersus
By Chris Krambeck
posted Monday, October 7, 2013
19 votes

Brown Shrimp
Crangon crangon
By Chris Krambeck
posted Thursday, October 10, 2013
19 votes

coral clam
By Chris Krambeck
posted Sunday, December 15, 2013
19 votes

By Chris Krambeck
posted Monday, December 16, 2013
19 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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172 Entries Found: Page 6  of  7
scavenger night shift:
velcro crab
ten inch nudi
Dendrodoris (carbunculosa?)
basket star
atop coral forest
annelid gill plume
sea pen crab
Snake on prowl along reef drop-off.
Bubble coral with lice?
Who knows the bugs?
Struggle for top places
Sometimes the cuttlefish of the Prince John housereef were in the mood to play hide-and-seek with us when we returned from dives.
Could rarely resist portraying the cuttlefish awaiting us upon return from Prince John housereef dives. Used the remaining air up each time.
Phyllidia ocellata
Triton devours blue starfish.
Prince John housereef.
I'm a coral, believe me!
Autumn littoral rock garden (Paxos)
with two Acetabularia.
The left one already lost his cap
after releasing cysts.
Jelly (Cotylorhiza tuberculata)
submarine offshore Paxos
with passengers
octo story (6th of six images):
Take a last image. Story over.
octo story, continued (5th of 6 images):
Game over.
Octo changes into an algae covered stone.
octo story (4th of six images):
Octo doesn´t let us see what he got,
forms an umbrella.
octo story, continued (3rd of 6 images):
Octo changes to turquoise, looks exited.
Fishes hope for, I guess, a share of prey.
octo story chapt two (of six):
His armes inspect every gap.
What´s he after?
octo story chapt one (of six):
Meet an octo strolling around in a field of stones
and join the fish accompagnying him.
Starfish from Paxos.
Knothole uw home.
Spiny-cheek crayfish (Orconectes limosus)
Bryo colonies forming rope teams, hanging from branches, when crowed.
Eel portrait, Plussee.
Canon G10, 1x Inon UCL 165, S2000.
Emerald, reposing.
172 Entries Found: Page 6  of  7