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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Stephan Kerkhofs (6)

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Peoples' Vote

Picture taken in Naa'ma Bay, Sharm el sheikh
By Stephan Kerkhofs
posted Saturday, December 15, 2007
62 votes

Eagle Ray taken in Naa'ma bay canon 100mm no flash
By Stephan Kerkhofs
posted Monday, December 17, 2007
60 votes

A wall of spade (bat)  fish - platax orbicularis - taken at Shark & Yolanda reef in natural light!
By Stephan Kerkhofs
posted Wednesday, December 19, 2007
60 votes

red anemone with doorman, Middle Garden Sharm el sheikh
By Stephan Kerkhofs
posted Tuesday, December 18, 2007
59 votes

Schooling bannerfish(Heniochus diphreutes) dancing around the witchpot taken in Na'ama Bay.
By Stephan Kerkhofs
posted Tuesday, January 1, 2008
56 votes

porcupine taken in Naa'ma Bay,  Sharm el Sheikh
By Stephan Kerkhofs
posted Sunday, December 16, 2007
55 votes

Holding your breath, surrounded by barracuda's, to take a nice shot....  Ras Umm Sid, Sharm el sheikh
By Stephan Kerkhofs
posted Thursday, December 27, 2007
53 votes

Lionfish - pterois miles - taken at Ras-Umm-Sid, Sharm el sheikh
By Stephan Kerkhofs
posted Friday, December 21, 2007
52 votes

I'm not sure what it is, but it looks like a juv. (ruby) cardinale fish.
By Stephan Kerkhofs
posted Sunday, December 23, 2007
52 votes

Marsa Bareika, Ras Ghozlani inside Red Sea Angelfish
By Stephan Kerkhofs
posted Friday, December 14, 2007
51 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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236 Entries Found: Page 6  of  9
manta (manta birostris) taken at ras umm sid.
Batman is back! Manta (manta birostris) taken at Pinky Wall.
Parrotfish taken in Na'ama Bay, sharm el sheik
panther flounder (bothus pantherinus) taken in Na'ama Bay.
Grey moray (Gymnothorax griseus) taken at Ras Ghozlani.
leopard torpedo ray (torpedo panthera) taken at Gordon reef Tiran.
redmouth grouper (aethaloperca rogaa) taken in Jackfish alley.
clearfin lionfish (pterois radiata) taken in Na'ama Bay.
shot taken at the propellor of the Dunraven
red sea mimic blenny (escenius frontalis) taken at middle garden.
reef hermit crab in a tiny shell taken in Na'ama bay.
Moses sole (pardarchirus marmoratus) taken at Ras Ghozlani, sharm el sheikh.
milkfish (chanos chanos) taken at middle garden, sharm el sheikh.
striped eel catfish (plotosus lineatus) with venomous fins taken Na'ama Bay.
bearded scorpionfish (scorpaenopsis barbatus) taken in Na'ama Bay.
cave cleaner shrimp (urocaridella sp.) with eggs on bubble coral (plerogyra sinuosa).
Spotted egale ray taken with 100mm and lucky enough in perfect conditions!
worm cucumber (synapta maculata) taken in Na'ama Bay.
this slug was posing so nice! I couldn't determine what kind this is...any suggestions?
Yellow boxfish fem. (ostracion cubicus) taken in Na'ama bay.
thornback boxfish (tetrasomus gibbosus) taken in Na'ama bay.
indean ocean crocodilefish (papilloculiceps longiceps) taken at sofitel house reef.
Emperor Angelfish (Pomacanthus imperator) taken in middle garden, Sharm el sheikh.
a pair of reef octopus (octopus cyaneus) being very friendly to eachother. Taken with 100mm.
another closeup of spotted eagle ray (aetobatis narinari)
giant moray (gymnothorax javanicus) getting cleaned by a bluestreak cleaner wrasse (labroides dimidiatus).
highfin fangblenny (petroscirtes mitratus) taken in Na'ama Bay.
236 Entries Found: Page 6  of  9