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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By David Heidemann (5)

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Peoples' Vote

Lizardfish, viewed from below.  D300
By David Heidemann
posted Sunday, July 20, 2008
28 votes

By David Heidemann
posted Friday, February 1, 2008
24 votes

Caribbean Reef Shark, Grand Bahama.
By David Heidemann
posted Thursday, July 17, 2008
23 votes

Reef Shark.  60 mm macro lens.
By David Heidemann
posted Thursday, August 28, 2008
23 votes

Diver ascending from USS Spiegel Grove.
By David Heidemann
posted Sunday, September 21, 2008
23 votes

Diver and Plume Anemone, Seattle.
By David Heidemann
posted Tuesday, February 19, 2008
21 votes

Diver and crab, Puget Sound, Seattle.
By David Heidemann
posted Wednesday, March 5, 2008
21 votes

By David Heidemann
posted Saturday, February 9, 2008
19 votes

Eye of turtle, Grand Cayman.  D300.
By David Heidemann
posted Thursday, September 4, 2008
19 votes

Banded coral shrimp, peeking between antennae and spines of sea urchin. Curacao, Sea and Sea, DX5000, single strobe.
By David Heidemann
posted Monday, September 4, 2006
17 votes
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152 Entries Found: Page 5  of  6
This is a close-up of a HUGE tarpon, taken at Eden Rock, Grand Cayman. Nikon D70, 50 mm lens, two strobes.
Scorpionfish. Key Largo, Florida. Sea and Sea DX3000.
Balloonfsh. Sea and Sea DX5000, Curacao.
Angelfish, photographer, and slave strobe. D70, 10.5 mm fisheye, two strobes.
Eye of nurse shark. Grand Cayman. Sea and Sea DX5000.
Goldspot goby. Grand Cayman. D70, 105 mm macro lens. Two strobes.
Reef scene. D70, fisheye lens, two strobes. Marathon Key, Florida.
Angelfish on Flagler barge wreck. Marathon Key. D70, 10.5 mm fisheye lens, two strobes.
Diver and Angelfish, Marathon Key, Florida. D70, 10.5 mm fisheye lens.
Porcupinefish, Grand Cayman.
"Diver in jail," Sweepstakes wreck, Lake Huron, Tobermory, Ontario.
Squid, Grand Cayman. D70, 105 mm macro, two strobes.
Anemone. Grand Cayman. Sea and Sea DX5000.
Christmas tree worms on Flagler's Barge wreck. Marathon Key, Florida. D70, 20.5 mm fisheye lens, two strobes.
Octopus at night. Grand Cayman.
Sweepstakes wreck. Tobermory, Ontario. 10.5 mm fisheye lens, no strobe.
Sweepstakes wreck. I think the object in the foreground is the mast. Tobermory, Ontario. D70, 10.5 mm fisheye lens.
Banded coral shrimp, Curacao. Sea and sea DX5000.
Sweepstakes wreck, Tobermory, Ontario. D70, no strobe.
Sea Urchin resting in pillar coral. Key Largo, Florida. DX5000.
The Tugs, Tobermory, Ontarion. 10.5 fisheye, no strobe.
Dive boat on wavy, windy day. Tobermory, Ontario. D70, 10.5 fisheye, no strobe.
Divers on James C. King wreck in cold waters of Lake Huron, Tobermory, Ontario. D70 with 10.5 mm fisheye lens. No strobe.
Flounder, Curacao, Sea and Sea DX5000.
Queen Angelfish, Grand Cayman.
Doc Poulson wreck and diver, Grand Cayman. Sea and Sea DX5000.
Angelfish eye. Grand Cayman, July 2006. D70, 105 macro.
152 Entries Found: Page 5  of  6