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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Dusty Norman (4)

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Peoples' Vote

By Dusty Norman
posted Thursday, September 3, 2015
25 votes

Male jaw fish incubating the eggs.
By Dusty Norman
posted Monday, August 8, 2016
24 votes

Gaudy Clown Crab on a vase sponge
By Dusty Norman
posted Thursday, December 15, 2016
17 votes

By Dusty Norman
posted Wednesday, September 30, 2015
16 votes

By Dusty Norman
posted Wednesday, July 22, 2015
15 votes

By Dusty Norman
posted Thursday, August 27, 2015
15 votes

By Dusty Norman
posted Monday, November 16, 2015
15 votes

Cryptic Teardrop Crab
By Dusty Norman
posted Tuesday, June 21, 2016
15 votes

By Dusty Norman
posted Thursday, July 7, 2016
15 votes

By Dusty Norman
posted Wednesday, June 3, 2015
14 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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122 Entries Found: Page 4  of  5
"Fish in the Flowers"
A Triple Fin Blenny in a very detailed hiding spot.
"Wide Eyed"
A Secretary Blenny caught out of his hole. These guys are hard to catch away from their little burrows in the coral.
A Red Cling Fish protecting it's eggs.
"Turtle Eye View"
Swimming with the turtles.
"Open Wide"
Banded Jawfish giving my camera a smile.
A Golden Tail Moray giving me his best smile.
A very camouflaged crab.
A Triple Fin Blenny resting on a Gorgonian Branch.
A congregation of Black Coral Shrimp.
"Lettuce Slug"
Finding one of these Sea Slugs on a nice colorful backdrop is rather rare. I was happy to take advantage of the colorful opportunity.
"Black Lines"
This Blackline Cyphoma is a rare find here in Cayman. We frequently see Flamingo Tongues, but its always a treat to see one of the uncommon cousins.
"Face Paint"
This Scorpion Fish was in the perfect spot for a straight on Portrait. These subjects are very cooperative and generally sit still, but finding them is the trick.
"The Ladder"
A Whip Coral lit from the back.
"Say O"
A rare shot for me. After all the Slender File Fish that I have had in front of my lens, I dont know if I have ever seen one with it's mouth open.
"Fin Up"
A close up of the same Blenny. Triple Fin's color and patterns make them one of my favorite little fish to find.
"Size Matters"
This shot was possible with the use of a 100mm macro lens stacked with a Subsea =10 Diopter.
Black Coral Shrimp with eggs.
"Green Eyes"
A first time find for me here. I am having trouble identiyfing this crab just from our ID books. Not a bad day at the office, find something completely new to me and snag some good shots.
Super close up of a Whip Coral.
Up close with a Neck Crab.
A Lettuce Sea Slug peaking around the edge of a Rope Coral.
Blacklined Cyphoma
"High Wire"
Wire Coral Shrimp
"Hiding Out"
It is always crazy to see what these little Blenny's look like under light and a macro lens. Most of them boast some amazing color and brilliant patt;erns making them an awesome subject.
"Sun Shrimp"
A rare find for us here in Cayman. This is a Sun Anemone Shrimp.
"Dragon Eye"
A small Golden Tail Morray says hello.
Bearded Fireworm crawls along a Gorgonian.
A Neck Crab chilling in a Gorgonian.
122 Entries Found: Page 4  of  5