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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By William Goodwin (4)

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Peoples' Vote

Shy shrimp deep in tube sponge and lit from behind. Cayman Brac, 40 fsw
By William Goodwin
posted Tuesday, December 7, 2010
54 votes

Hanging upside down without disturbing the sponge and scaring the bejesus outta the peppermint shrimp inside, aiming the Light Cannon to light up the inside through the translucent wall of the sponge ... ahh, the travails of the u/w photographer.
By William Goodwin
posted Friday, April 10, 2009
43 votes

By William Goodwin
posted Thursday, April 9, 2009
36 votes

The iconic salt mounds on Bonaire during wind reversal/stoppage last October.
By William Goodwin
posted Wednesday, November 21, 2012
32 votes

I never realized until now how difficult it is to photograph a white fish. First round produced
By William Goodwin
posted Wednesday, October 21, 2009
31 votes

This is the shot I took right after the one that just won the Global National Geographic Photographic Competition (Nature category). I was astounded that the little crustacean held still that long. Peppermint shrimp in a branching vase sponge 75 fsw.
By William Goodwin
posted Monday, March 15, 2010
31 votes

Feather Duster, Cayman Brac, 40 fsw.
By William Goodwin
posted Tuesday, October 5, 2010
31 votes

A Peppermint Shrimp constantly in motion within this Branching Vase sponge, lit from the exterior by a video light. No crop. Bonaire, 75 fsw.
By William Goodwin
posted Monday, November 26, 2012
30 votes

I was taking shots for a book on sponges when this huge Black Grouper wondered over. I wanted to get a picture of the big fish with some sponges, so I gently tricked him into the perfect position. Belize, 45fsw
By William Goodwin
posted Monday, June 21, 2010
29 votes

Iguana, dive boats, a morning full of promise... Bonaire
By William Goodwin
posted Thursday, April 23, 2009
28 votes
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106 Entries Found: Page 4  of  4
Dive-flag toe nails, ankle bracelet, toe ring, Cuban beer - Donna after the dive.

editor's comments

Editor's Comment
Another one for the foot fetishists?
The rainbow within ... Golden Coral Shrimp in a branching vase sponge.
This pair of Gray Angels dwell at the "Lost City of Atlantis" off Cayman Brac
The Grin ...
Rain... Reef Divers boat moored at Buccaneer Reef, Cayman Brac
Peppermint Shrimp in a dark sponge, Bonaire
"Do I know you?" asked the near-sighted turtle... Did NOT touch this youngster - the juvenile Hawksbill determined the level of interaction.
TWO Lookdowns ... Gulf of Mexico off Destin
Capt Don's Habitat House Reef in the afternoon... Bonaire
This tough guy was really a pussy cat... Cayman Brac 40 fsw
Tiger Grouper emerging from his cave, Cayman Brac.
Teeth ... shot at "The Lost City of Atlantis" off Cayman Brac, about 50 fsw
This peppermint shrimp is resting comfortably in her branching vase sponge after molting ... that's her recently removed exoskeleton next to her. Bonaire, 50 fsw.
Iguana, dive boats, a morning full of promise... Bonaire
Runner Up - worthy of note but not a medal winner - an equal 4th place if you like! Runner Up 2009

Final RoundThrough to 2009 awards final round judging

editor's comments

Editor's Comment
There's always a topside shot to be had between, or before, dives!
The entry arch and a sentry statue - face molded from one of the "Wounded Warriors" who visited Cayman Brac - Lost City of Atlantis, a dream-like sculpture garden at 50 fsw created and built by a talented fellow named Foots

editor's comments

Editor's Comment
excellent composition. This would even work topside. Could have been B&W?
Black and Yellow - Juvenile French Angel - Bonaire, 20 fsw
Peppermint shrimp in branching vase sponge ... a lighting challenge. Bonaire, 50 fsw.
The pastel world within... a "rare" (Humann & DeLoach) Ringed Blenny inside a Branching Vase Sponge. Bonaire's Margate Bay, ca. 50 fsw.
Baby Dock at Captain Don's Habitat, Bonaire. Footprints telling a tale...
Peppermint shrimp in branching vase sponge ... shining the Light Cannon through the sponge from the side, you never know what colors it's going to produce. And please Mr. Shrimp, hold still for just a second.
Juvenile Queen Triggerfish - curious but never holding still long enough to allow focus, except for this one moment...
Seven men, after diving all day and consuming sufficient margaritas to allow their toenails to be painted with dive flags, display their dainty feet.

editor's comments

Editor's Comment
OK foot fetishists!
"Keeping my eye on you..." - Nassau groupers are so funny - this gal followed us around most of the dive and just when we thought she had taken a powder, we spotted her watching us though a hole in a purple sea fan! Cayman Brac, 40 fsw. Red filter.
Hanging upside down without disturbing the sponge and scaring the bejesus outta the peppermint shrimp inside, aiming the Light Cannon to light up the inside through the translucent wall of the sponge ... ahh, the travails of the u/w photographer.
The "E.T." shot - riding a bike over the guns of the M/V Tibbetts - harder than it looks - buoyancy was an issue!
106 Entries Found: Page 4  of  4