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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Cheri Denn (3)

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Peoples' Vote

This was taken on a Nekton Pilot divesite known as Rocky Mountain High using an Olympus SP350 and Inon Strobe.
By Cheri Denn
posted Thursday, February 19, 2009
24 votes

Turtle at a cleaning station.
By Cheri Denn
posted Sunday, June 7, 2009
24 votes

Santa Rosa Wall, Cozumel, MX ~ A vision of beauty.
By Cheri Denn
posted Monday, February 2, 2009
23 votes

Sponges spawning
By Cheri Denn
posted Friday, October 9, 2009
23 votes

Christmas Tree worms are one of my favorites.  This was taken on Planacar Bricks, Cozumel, MX
By Cheri Denn
posted Friday, December 5, 2008
21 votes

Taken on Nekton Pilot dive site
By Cheri Denn
posted Monday, February 16, 2009
20 votes

Taken on the Nekton Pilot divesite called Hawksbill with an Olympus SP350
By Cheri Denn
posted Friday, March 20, 2009
20 votes

The Little Drum
By Cheri Denn
posted Saturday, July 4, 2009
18 votes

Five lobster all crammed together.
By Cheri Denn
posted Monday, July 20, 2009
18 votes

This turtle is huge.  The diver is swimming right next to him.  Beautiful
By Cheri Denn
posted Wednesday, August 3, 2011
18 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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69 Entries Found: Page 3  of  3
The contrast between the fish, sand and sea grass is one of my favorites
Drums are by far my favorite fish to photograph. This was taken on the Colombia Shallows in Cozumel, MX.
I love the angels. This was taken in Cozumel, MX.
Taken with an Olympus SP350 at a Nekton Pilot divesite known as Shark Junction. Tunicates have always amazed me.
This was taken on a Nekton Pilot divesite known as Rocky Mountain High using an Olympus SP350 and Inon Strobe.
Taken on Nekton Pilot dive site "The Hesperus" Lion Fish are not suppose to be here!
This was taken on a Nekton Pilot dive site known as Hawksbill.
Basketweave Starfish - very hard to photograph in the daytime.
I just love this picture. Taken on Paradise Reef, Cozumel, MX using a SeaLife D310.
Have to love it when the sealife poses. Taken in Cozumel on a divesite named Planacar Bricks.
Santa Rosa Wall, Cozumel, MX ~ A vision of beauty.
Flamingo's Tongue taken on the Columbia Shallows in Cozumel Mexico
This turtle just loved playing with my bubbles. I had the pleasure of swiming with her for about 5 minutes. Have to love diving!
Christmas Tree worms are one of my favorites. This was taken on Planacar Bricks, Cozumel, MX
I named her "Daisy" This was taken on Planacar Reef in Cozumel, MX. Have to love her look!!
69 Entries Found: Page 3  of  3