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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Jan Messersmith (2)

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Peoples' Vote

The old shiny sunglasses trick. A dive buddy on the deck of Faded Glory. Madang, Papua New Guinea.
By Jan Messersmith
posted Thursday, September 29, 2005
38 votes

Mantis Shrimp caught in the open at Pig Island near Madang. Check my post at http://www.messersmith.name/wordpress/2009/05/mantis-shrimp-the-aliens-in-my-front-yard/ for more information and additional images.
By Jan Messersmith
posted Tuesday, May 19, 2009
12 votes

Spinecheek Anemonefish (Amphiprion biaculatus) living in a Bulb Anemone (Entacmaea quadricolor).
By Jan Messersmith
posted Monday, April 26, 2010
12 votes

A Spotfin Lionfish (Pterois antennata) At Magic Pasage near Madang, Papua New Guinea.
By Jan Messersmith
posted Wednesday, May 20, 2009
11 votes

Gymnothorax javanicus. I've got hundreds of Moray images. This is my personal favourite.
By Jan Messersmith
posted Thursday, May 21, 2009
10 votes

Mantis Shrimp found on the port wing of The Green Dragon B-25 bomber at Madang
By Jan Messersmith
posted Friday, May 21, 2010
10 votes

Fire Dartfish - On top of the reef at Magic Passage, Madang, Papua New Guinea. Olympus C8080/PT-023 housing.
By Jan Messersmith
posted Sunday, September 11, 2005
7 votes

Circus time at Rasch Passage, Madang, Papua New Guinea. Olympus C8080/PT-023 housing.
By Jan Messersmith
posted Saturday, September 17, 2005
6 votes

Anenome fish on magnificent anenome. Magic Passge, Madang, Papua New Guinea. Olympus C8080/PT-023 housing.
By Jan Messersmith
posted Friday, September 9, 2005
5 votes

Sneaking up on the Spotted Garden Eel usually doesn't work. How long can you hold your breath? Magic Passage, Madang, Papua New Guinea. Olympus C8080/PT-023.
By Jan Messersmith
posted Thursday, October 13, 2005
5 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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44 Entries Found: Page 2  of  2
Bordering on the too-cute. Peek-a-boo games. Leper Island, Madang, Papua New Guinea. Olympus C8080/PT-023. The island was once a leper colony. Even with the population pressure here, it is only now being slowly inhabited.
Yet another nemo wannabe. Planer Rock, Madang, Papua New Guinea. Olympus C8080/PT-023.
The advantages of digital and a big card to store lots of pictures. Shoot, shoot, shoot. I used to go through three rolls of film to get one like this. It was a LOT more expensive. Magic Passage, Madang, Papua New Guinea. C8080/PT-023.
Anenome fish in Magnificent Anenome at The Eel Garden, Pig Island, Madang, Papua New Guinea. This anenome is nestled in a crevice in the beautiful wall of knobby coral at this site.
Yellowmargin Triggerfish, The Fan Garden, Wongat Island, Madang, Papua New Guinea. It was a rare opportunity to get this close to one without being attacked. Olympus C8080/PT-023 housing. Locally, this is called a Green Triggerfish.
Nudibranchs on The Henry Leith, Wongat Island, Madang, Papua New Guinea. Olympus C8080/PT-023 housing.
Leaf Scorpionfish. Magic Passage, Madang, Papua New Guinea. Olympus C8080/PT-023 housing. Colour varies greatly in this species. This one is more yellow than we usually see here.
Elegant Lionfish. Rasch Passage, Madang, Papua New Guinea. Olympus C8080/PT-023 housing.
Coral trout under the wing of the B-25 Bomber at Wongat Island, Madang, Papua New Guinea. Olympus C8080/PT-023 housing.
Circus time at Rasch Passage, Madang, Papua New Guinea. Olympus C8080/PT-023 housing.
Blackfin Squirrelfish. The Chimney, Wongat Island, Madang, Papua New Guinea. Olympus C8080/PT-023 housing.
Underwater tiger stripes. Solitary Coral. Planet Rock. Madang, Papua New Guinea. This site is an isolated seamount. Olympus C8080/Pt-023 housing.
Banded Sea Snake. Olympus C8080 with PT-023 housing. Taken at Magic Passage, Madang, Papua New Guinea.
Lizardfish at The Eel Garden, Pig Island, Madang, Papua New Guinea. Olympus C8080/PT-023 housing.
Fire Dartfish - On top of the reef at Magic Passage, Madang, Papua New Guinea. Olympus C8080/PT-023 housing.
Blue Spotted Stingray - Bam Island, Papua New Guinea. Olympus C8080/PT-023 housing.
Anenome fish on magnificent anenome. Magic Passge, Madang, Papua New Guinea. Olympus C8080/PT-023 housing.
44 Entries Found: Page 2  of  2