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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Daniel Strub (10)

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Peoples' Vote

what's up?
By Daniel Strub
posted Sunday, October 5, 2008
38 votes

A jellyfish can be so beautifull :-)
By Daniel Strub
posted Thursday, November 27, 2008
37 votes

By Daniel Strub
posted Monday, August 4, 2008
36 votes

Whale shark ... dedicated specially for my friend Mitch :-D
By Daniel Strub
posted Tuesday, February 9, 2010
36 votes

Cardinal fish hatching :-D
By Daniel Strub
posted Saturday, May 14, 2011
36 votes

Adult pike :-D
By Daniel Strub
posted Wednesday, August 18, 2010
34 votes

Mouth-hatching jawfish :-D
By Daniel Strub
posted Monday, June 17, 2013
33 votes

Close up at Lac de la Brèche - Valais
By Daniel Strub
posted Friday, August 8, 2008
32 votes

facing a nice little pearch (f5.6 - 1/100)
By Daniel Strub
posted Tuesday, September 16, 2008
32 votes

Wip Coral Gobbie
By Daniel Strub
posted Thursday, October 23, 2008
32 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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615 Entries Found: Page 10  of  23
Green turtle big grin
Whip coral gobbie big grin - Marsa Nakari house reef, zodiac north. This whip coral was just underneath the cave where we found the hatchin tiger cardinalfish - we spent quite some tim on this spot.
Male tiger cardinalfish (cheliodipterus macrodon) hatching eggs big grin
Anthias "à la Mitsch" big grin - sooo beautiful
Buddy JC on his first tropical water dives in Marsa Abu Dabbab big grin
Motherlove big grin
Red eye big grin
Anthias - low speed, f8, gives a funny blur that brings some movement into the picture big grin
who's STAR are you? big grin
Clownfish eggs a couple of hours before hatching big grin
Reef life in Marsa Nakari big grin
the EYE big grin
Beautiful colored parrot fish during a night dive big grin
Snake eel in Marsa Nakari's house reef big grin
Night dive in Marsa Nakari big grin - the eye of a flute fish
Last weeks dives in Masa Nakari big grin
The eye of the EU-Bullhead big grin
Limnea on yesterday's dive with buddy Sven big grin
Cottus Gobio - the eye is just magnificent big grin
A small snail gliding over the eggs of an European bullhead (cottus gobio) - found our last Wednesday's dive with buddy Sven big grin
Phryganea grandis without its sheath big grin
Limnée on todays freezing dive(water = 3.9° C) with buddy Sven big grin
Cottus gobio and larvae big grin
Phryganea grandis - this weekends dive in Vaumarcus big grin
Indo-pacific Sergeant big grin
Black and white Snapper big grin
Small gobbie on a sponge (pleurosicya elongata?)
615 Entries Found: Page 10  of  23