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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Patrick Tutt

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Our underwater photography contest is the longest running and most prestigious online. If you want to make a name for yourself this is THE place to do it.
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Peoples' Vote

A Blue-cheeked Bee-eater is visiting us on the boat between two dives  - Saudi Arabia - Canon S90
By Patrick Tutt
posted Wednesday, November 17, 2010
45 votes

Spanish Dancer's eggs - Egypte - Lumix FX01
By Patrick Tutt
posted Tuesday, December 8, 2009
42 votes

The magic of an anemone at nigth - Lumix Fx01
By Patrick Tutt
posted Wednesday, December 2, 2009
39 votes

After the dive, on the way back to the boat - Sudan - Lumix FX01
By Patrick Tutt
posted Friday, December 4, 2009
38 votes

End of the dive, just before getting on the boat ladder - Saudi Arabia - Canon S90, natural ligh
By Patrick Tutt
posted Thursday, November 11, 2010
37 votes

Red Gorgonian - Saudi Arabia - Canon S90 with hand torch light
By Patrick Tutt
posted Thursday, November 25, 2010
37 votes

Litle geometric moray in Marsa Egla - Egypt - Canon S90 with hand torch light
By Patrick Tutt
posted Thursday, July 22, 2010
35 votes

This soft coral remind me of a Chinese tapestry - Saudi Arabia - Canon S90 with hand torch light.
By Patrick Tutt
posted Saturday, November 13, 2010
35 votes

Crocodilefish with its persant glance - Egypt - Canon S90 with hand torch light
By Patrick Tutt
posted Thursday, September 16, 2010
34 votes

Seastar on night dive - Saudi Arabia - Canon S90 with hand torch light
By Patrick Tutt
posted Wednesday, November 10, 2010
34 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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96 Entries Found: Page 1  of  4
When you see things like that, you should seriously consider to stop drinking before diving … Saudi Arabia - Canon S90, natural ligh
Encounter during a night dive - Saudi Arabia - Canon S90 with hand torch light
Random movements - Saudi Arabia - Canon S90, natural ligh
"la vie en rose" - Saudi Arabia - Canon S90 with hand torch light
Red Gorgonian - Saudi Arabia - Canon S90 with hand torch light

editor's comments

Editor's Comment
a simple patter can be effective
Ugly face of a scorpoin fish - Saudi Arabia - Canon S90 with hand torch light
Crab enjoying the sun on the beach of a remote island - Saudi Arabia - Canon S90, natural ligh
Bubble coral - Saudi Arabia - Canon S90 with hand torch light
Beginning of the dive is always a pleasure to start diving into the blue - Saudi Arabia - Canon S90, natural ligh
A Blue-cheeked Bee-eater is visiting us on the boat between two dives - Saudi Arabia - Canon S90
two nudibranchs at a night dive - Saudi Arabia - Canon S90 with hand torch light
Crinoid on night dive - Saudi Arabia - Canon S90 with hand torch light.
This soft coral remind me of a Chinese tapestry - Saudi Arabia - Canon S90 with hand torch light.
End of the dive, just before getting on the boat ladder - Saudi Arabia - Canon S90, natural ligh
Ophiuroid on night dive - Saudi Arabia - Canon S90 with hand torch light
It looks like elephant man but it's always nice to met it...- Saudi Arabia - Canon S90, natural light
Seastar on night dive - Saudi Arabia - Canon S90 with hand torch light
Bronze Medal Bronze Medal 2010

Final RoundThrough to 2010 awards final round judging

editor's comments

Editor's Comment
nice abstract crop - with texture added by side lighting
Pink anemone in Abu Dabab - Egypt - Lumix FX01 with hand torch light
Lionfish in Marsa Shagra - Egypt - Canon S90 with hand torch light
Hermit crab on nigth dive in Marsa Shagra - Egypt - Canon S90 with hand torch light
green turtle in a field of sea grass - Marsa Abu Abab - Egypt - Canon S90, natural light
Giant moray and its small shrimp on the cheek - Marsa Shuni - Egypt - Canon S90 with hand torch light
Bluespotted ribbontail ray in Marsa Shuni - Egypt - Canon S90 with hand torch light
Porcupinefish in Marsa Nakari - Egypt - Canon S90 with hand torch light
Spotted unicornfish on nigth dive in Marsa Shagra - Egypt - Canon S90 with hand torch light
Goby in Marsa Shagra - Egypt - Canon S90, natural light
Pipefish in Marsa Nakri - Egypt - Canon S90 with hand torch light
96 Entries Found: Page 1  of  4