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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Roger Webb

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Peoples' Vote

In Grenada doing some diving. Summer is the time of tropical waves, the mother of depressions, and tropical cyclones. This was a wave.
By Roger Webb
posted Friday, July 23, 2010
19 votes

diver, coral, carribean
By Roger Webb
posted Saturday, May 10, 2008
18 votes

My dive master said he has nvere seen an Eagle Ray resting on the bottom. The broken tail and cresecent shaped pieice missing from its port (left) wing seems ti indicate a close call with an 'unfriendly'.
By Roger Webb
posted Tuesday, May 25, 2010
18 votes

Under the ledge and was so focused on him that did not see spiney lobster just off the right
By Roger Webb
posted Monday, July 20, 2009
17 votes

Habit of necessity..
By Roger Webb
posted Sunday, July 4, 2010
17 votes

liked to setting  where the arrow crab was. The idea was to use the two strobes on the DC800 to create effect.
By Roger Webb
posted Monday, July 21, 2008
16 votes

just for fun...
By Roger Webb
posted Thursday, May 29, 2008
15 votes

Wallabou, the
By Roger Webb
posted Monday, June 9, 2008
15 votes

Flamingo Tongue on fan coral
By Roger Webb
posted Saturday, May 24, 2008
14 votes

I used elements to clean up areas blown out by the flash. Then used Aperture to crop for the
By Roger Webb
posted Monday, June 23, 2008
14 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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62 Entries Found: Page 1  of  3
In Grenada doing some diving. Summer is the time of tropical waves, the mother of depressions, and tropical cyclones. This was a wave.
Deep dive on "Bianca C" Grenada, WI
Habit of necessity..
An algae bloom gave the water at a 100' the greenish cast. The dive was on the "Bianca C", also known as the "Titanic of the Caribbean."
Usually very timid, I found by lying on the bottom and moving slow I was able to get close. It was like watching ballet.
hard and soft....I like the various shapes and textures of the hard and soft corals, and here was also the color variations.
My dive master said he has nvere seen an Eagle Ray resting on the bottom. The broken tail and cresecent shaped pieice missing from its port (left) wing seems ti indicate a close call with an 'unfriendly'.
just in case......
Under the ledge and was so focused on him that did not see spiney lobster just off the right
I was playing with strobe lighting for effect when some friends passed by to add some action.
vase spong and friends
Unusual to find one of these guys out exposed on a wall during daylight. His white spot pattern is what caught my attention. Sooo cool!
I liked the way the Arrow Arab was nestled down in the womb of the sponge.
Entwined...so many sponges and corals...
Thought it was unusual to find this guy in the sponge.
Color and texture....
right place, right time
Mast of the Bianca C.
Some groupers chased this guy from his hiding place and I just happened to be there. Octi found another crevice and packed himself in.
big surprise when ray decided to pay a visit!
liked to setting where the arrow crab was. The idea was to use the two strobes on the DC800 to create effect.
Cleaning station.
just for fun
62 Entries Found: Page 1  of  3