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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Luca Bertoglio

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Peoples' Vote

Squid Smile
By Luca Bertoglio
posted Sunday, September 7, 2008
30 votes

Galathea strigrosa
By Luca Bertoglio
posted Monday, April 10, 2006
10 votes

Anemone partner shrimp, canon 60mm, taken at brothers island
By Luca Bertoglio
posted Friday, September 1, 2006
10 votes

Sulky shark under the boat.
By Luca Bertoglio
posted Thursday, September 14, 2006
10 votes

Nembrotha megalocera taken with canon 60 mm during a night dive
By Luca Bertoglio
posted Wednesday, September 6, 2006
9 votes

Despite it's name, Tiger crab, this guy is 1 cm long and when you shot one time it goes within its coral afraid of you!!
By Luca Bertoglio
posted Sunday, September 10, 2006
9 votes

Cratena peregrina - another nudis from Ligurian Sea
By Luca Bertoglio
posted Thursday, May 4, 2006
7 votes

Hypselodoris picta - April is season for nudi in ligurian sea
By Luca Bertoglio
posted Tuesday, April 11, 2006
6 votes

Hypselodoris picta and corallium rubrum - Mediaterranean sea - Portofino reserve
By Luca Bertoglio
posted Monday, August 15, 2005
5 votes

Corallium rubrum - Mediterranean sea - Canon Macro 60 mm - Happy Christmas
By Luca Bertoglio
posted Wednesday, December 28, 2005
5 votes
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38 Entries Found: Page 1  of  2
Squid Smile
Sulky shark under the boat.
Despite it's name, Tiger crab, this guy is 1 cm long and when you shot one time it goes within its coral afraid of you!!
Nembrotha megalocera taken with canon 60 mm during a night dive
Pterois volitans - Brothers Island - canon 60 mm Macro
Anemone partner shrimp, canon 60mm, taken at brothers island
Flabellina babai from portofino reserve
Flabellina affinis - A common nudis of mediterranean sea
Flabellina ischitana - another one from Portofino reserve
Cratena peregrina - another nudis from Ligurian Sea
Portofino reserve - Italy - Flabellina babai - First one I can get this one, note the little one in the corner...
Hypselodoris picta - April is season for nudi in ligurian sea
Galathea strigrosa
Cratena Peregrina, March is time for nudi in Ligurian Sea
Plesionika Narval found at 40 mt in a cave
Inachus Phalangium - Portofino reserve - Canon 60 mm Macro
Dondice Banyulensis - Canon 60 mm Macro
Little Scorpaena Scrofa - Mediterranean Sea - Portofino Reserve - Canon 60 mm Macro Single Strobe
Corallium rubrum - Mediterranean sea - Canon Macro 60 mm - Happy Christmas
Punta Vessinaro - Portofino reserve - Italy
Canon 20D, single strobe, 60 mm macro
Parablennius tentacularis - Portofino reserve - Canon 20D marco lens 60 mm
Scorpaena scrofa - Punta Vessinaro - Portofino reserve - Italy - Canon 20D Macro 60 mm
Scorpaena Porcus eye - Isuela - Portofino reserve - Italy - 60 mm Macro lens
Parablennius gattorugine - Isuela - Portofino Reserve. A common fish in mediterranean sea but not often shot
Dardanus arrosor
Portofino reserve - Italy
Macro lens 60 mm
Trypterigion tripteronotus - Portofino Reserve - Gonzatti - Italy
Canon 20D Macro 60 mm lens
Prostheceraeus giesbrechtii - Lighthouse dive - Portofino reserve - Italy
Canon 20D - 60 mm Macro lens
38 Entries Found: Page 1  of  2