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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Suzan Meldonian (11)

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Peoples' Vote

Jawfish with eggs about to hatch
By Suzan Meldonian
posted Sunday, August 21, 2011
58 votes

Call of the Wild.....
By Suzan Meldonian
posted Friday, September 2, 2011
55 votes

Eyes of Scallop super close
By Suzan Meldonian
posted Thursday, January 12, 2012
50 votes

ornate frilled seahorse
By Suzan Meldonian
posted Saturday, March 3, 2012
50 votes

Plump little bumblebee shrimp.. having fun with the 10x now.
By Suzan Meldonian
posted Tuesday, March 13, 2012
49 votes

Honey- I'm watchin' the kids tonight!
Taken with 105 mm + 10x diopter
By Suzan Meldonian
posted Tuesday, April 26, 2011
48 votes

....Helloooooo... Here I am! 
Blue Throat Pike Blenny -really bellowing hard for a lady
By Suzan Meldonian
posted Friday, May 27, 2011
47 votes

Blue throat Pike Blenny
By Suzan Meldonian
posted Wednesday, February 29, 2012
47 votes

2 days aaaand counting! Phew!
Male Yellowhead jawfish with eggs, Blue Heron Bridge
By Suzan Meldonian
posted Wednesday, February 20, 2013
47 votes

Rock Beauty
By Suzan Meldonian
posted Monday, September 19, 2011
46 votes
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428 Entries Found: Page 11  of  16
ah, ha ha ha, I laugh in the face of your big black camera, ahahahaha!
"Searching for the ultimate partner"
Sailfin Blenny whom has found the ultimate home, and not one possible mate in sight.
... and then I want a big rock coral garden, 100 kids, and....and...
Uh oh!
...Or would you prefer this side hmmmm???
Scrawled filefish- Blue Heron
Little Seaweed Blenny minding it's eggs in a cubby hole.
Blenny playing peek-a boo in the fluff.
Hi there!
unusual jellyfish-unknown type.If u know what it is please tell me.
"I am Sincere"
sailfin blenny close up-
Spaceship landing - Aurelia aurita -Moon Jelly
brittle star whipping
....Helloooooo... Here I am!
Blue Throat Pike Blenny -really bellowing hard for a lady
Did you know that Fan worms have eyestalks? If you sit absolutely still, the frilly part will twist and turn to watch things go by- they don't just open and unfold-wait long enough and the eye stalks appear!
Pretty in Pink?
Eyed Flounder close up 10x diopter
Spotted Moray- comin right atcha!
Miniature melo, 'Micromelo undatus' munching red
.. but of course you may have a closer look...
. . . "ok, how about this side?" Beauty challenged frog fish posing.
Cinderella's Dress.
Honey . . . we got Cows!
possibly Beroe's Comb Jelly
Fluffy.. a close up of a bearded fireworm. I am fairly certain they have 2 sets of eyes, and wear a rastaman hat.
... So the question is . . . do Octopii dream in color?
"Look into my eyes..."
"Here's lookin' at you kid!" . . . or . . . a face only a mother could love?
428 Entries Found: Page 11  of  16