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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Peet J Van Eeden (22)

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Peoples' Vote

A gas flame nudibranch or may be two
By Peet Van Eeden
posted Sunday, February 12, 2012
57 votes

Basket star on  cold water noble coral , Atlantic Ocean, Hout Bay South Africa
By Peet Van Eeden
posted Sunday, January 1, 2012
31 votes

Fiery Nudibranch
By Peet Van Eeden
posted Sunday, March 4, 2012
31 votes

Sunset dolphins
By Peet Van Eeden
posted Tuesday, March 27, 2012
31 votes

Kelp forest, with visibility of even the clouds overhead
By Peet Van Eeden
posted Monday, July 2, 2012
30 votes

Compass Jellyfish at safety stop near Atlantis divesite, False Bay, South Africa
By Peet Van Eeden
posted Tuesday, January 3, 2012
29 votes

Poetry in slow motion

 Frilled nudibranch
By Peet J Van Eeden
posted Saturday, April 21, 2018
28 votes

Star fish texture
By Peet Van Eeden
posted Sunday, April 8, 2012
27 votes

Baby basket star
By Peet J Van Eeden
posted Sunday, December 15, 2013
27 votes

Seduction by a sea anemone
By Peet J Van Eeden
posted Sunday, January 26, 2014
27 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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657 Entries Found: Page 22  of  25
Reaching out
A fiery love affair
Intertidal beauty- sea star in the intertidal zone
The peacock of the sea
Welcome to Moray City
Catching arms of a Basket Star collecting food particles
"Hot lips". Hotlips spider crab is one of only 2 types of spider crabs in the Cape Peninsula and False bay area of South Africa. The name derives from the red markings around its mouth
The friendlier side of eels
The petticoat of a Spanish dancer
Territorial battle between 2 porcelain anemone crabs
Taxi rank. Nanofolk waiting for a free ride on a frilled nudibranch
Yellow gas flame nudibranch
The yellow tipped cerata of a gas flame nudibranch
Carpet Flat Worm
Master of my universe
Klipfish and its home
Blue Spotted Beauty -blue spotted klipfish
Roll out the red carpet for the carpet worm
My home is a cup in the ocean
The gas flames of a gas flame nudibranch
Black is beautiful
A close encounter with a Cape cold water crayfish
A ring of fire. Gas flame nudibranch side viewing
Joseph with its amazing technicolor dream coat- shaggy sponge crab with a purple soft coral cloak
Fallen angel. Drowned moth in a water lily pond
The other side of a basket star
The eye of a Magician- Cutlefish with its changing colours
657 Entries Found: Page 22  of  25