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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Ferdinando Meli (18)

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Peoples' Vote

Coupling of small cuttlefishs (Sepiola sp.).
By Ferdinando Meli
posted Friday, August 19, 2011
48 votes

Cothyloriza tubercolata in the Mediterranean sea - Canon Powershot S1 IS digital
By Ferdinando Meli
posted Friday, November 17, 2006
38 votes

Sepia officinalis capture a Symphodus ocellatus.
By Ferdinando Meli
posted Friday, August 5, 2011
38 votes

A very fast squid (Loligo vulgaris).
By Ferdinando Meli
posted Wednesday, November 9, 2011
36 votes

A beautiful sunset in the Mediterranean sea (Sicily - Italy)
By Ferdinando Meli
posted Tuesday, November 7, 2006
35 votes

Flabellina affinis in the Mediterranean sea (-26 mt) - Nikonos V whit macrotubes 1:1 and Ikelite 100 strobe.
By Ferdinando Meli
posted Wednesday, November 15, 2006
34 votes

Coupling of a very small cuttlefish. Rear view.
By Ferdinando Meli
posted Monday, October 3, 2011
34 votes

Leptosammia pruvoti in the Mediterranean sea - NikonosV whit macrotube 2:1 and Ikelite 100 strobe.
By Ferdinando Meli
posted Friday, December 1, 2006
33 votes

Coupling of small cuttlefishs (Sepiola sp.).
By Ferdinando Meli
posted Monday, September 5, 2011
33 votes

Astroides calycularis & Haliclona mediterranea (-38 mt) - Nikonos V whit macrotube 1:2 and flash Sea&Sea 120.
By Ferdinando Meli
posted Thursday, November 9, 2006
32 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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547 Entries Found: Page 18  of  21
A nice Bursatella leachi in the Mediterranean sea.
A very nice Aplisia fasciata in the Mediterranean sea.
A Gobius geniporus in the Mediterranean sea.
A beautiful Oblada melanura in the Mediterranean sea.
A nice symphodus tinca in the night of Mediterranean sea.
A very nice Mullus surmuletus in the night of Mediterranean sea.
A Parablennius gattorugine in the night of Mediterranean sea.
Murena helena.
Astroides calycularis in the Mediterranean sea.
A big Conger conger in the wrecks of a aircraft Junkers-52 (WWII).
A Coris julis in the Medciterranean sea.
A Gnatophyllum elegans in the Mediterranean sea.
A Scorpaena notata in the Mediterranean sea.
A worm Stylochus pilidium in the Mediterranean sea.
A beautiful Aplisia fasciata in the Mediterranean sea.
A Mullus surmuletus in the mediterranean sea.
A Octopus vulgaris in the Mediterranean sea.
A Discodoris atromaculata whit Petrosia ficiformis in the Mediterranean sea.
A Bursatella leachi in the Mediterranena sea.
A Discodoris atromaculata whit Petrosia ficiformis.
A beautiful Dendrodoris limbata in the Mediterranean sea.
A beautiful Diplodus vulgaris in the Mediterranean sea.
A Bothus podas in the Mediterranean sea.
A beautiful Leptopsammia pruvoti in the Mediteranean sea.
Myriapora truncata whit bubbles of my ARA in underwater cave.
A Scorpaena notata in the Mediterranean sea.
A beautiful Thalassoma pavo in the Mediterranean sea. A very fast species. 1/125 f11.
547 Entries Found: Page 18  of  21