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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Larry Polster (17)

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Peoples' Vote

By Larry Polster
posted Monday, March 16, 2009
68 votes

D300, 14mm Sigma, D125 strobes
By Larry Polster
posted Tuesday, September 9, 2008
38 votes

Bonaire, D300, Tokina 10-17
By Larry Polster
posted Monday, March 30, 2009
34 votes

Wonderpuss... Lembeh. D300-60mm
By Larry Polster
posted Thursday, July 23, 2009
34 votes

By Larry Polster
posted Saturday, August 29, 2009
34 votes

Saddle anaemome shrimp, D300, 105VR, Bonaire
By Larry Polster
posted Tuesday, February 3, 2009
32 votes

Papa, Mama, Brother, Sister, Nikon D-70 Ikelite D-125 strobes
By Larry Polster
posted Friday, April 18, 2008
30 votes

Roatan, Coolpix 5000
By Larry Polster
posted Wednesday, January 11, 2006
29 votes

Shallow water, strobes turned off, D70, Sigma 14mm
By Larry Polster
posted Sunday, September 28, 2008
29 votes

Porcelain crab
By Larry Polster
posted Friday, October 3, 2008
28 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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496 Entries Found: Page 17  of  19
"Fish Face" ,Black Durgin, trigger family, D300, 105mm
Peterson Cleaner Shrimpl...Bloody Bay Marine Park, Little Cayman, D300, 105mm, twin D125 strobes, ISO 100, 1/125, F8
Lettuce Slug in Bloody Bay Marine Park, Little Cayman, D300, 105mm
Simple Pleasure, D300, 105mm, twin D125 strobes
Blenny, D300, 105mm, twin strobes
One of several seahorses at Bloody Bay Marine Park, Nikon D300, 105mm lens, twin Ikelite D125 strobes
Cleaning station, D300
The beautiful Queen Trigger, D70
Hawksbill at Turtle Crossing, Roatan, D300
Blue face angelfish, D70s, twin D-125 strobes
Starry Pufferfish, D70s, Sigma 14mm, liveaboard, Southern Atoll, Maldives
One of many Great Barracuda
Wreck, El Anguila, 100', very blue parrot, not narc-ed, but had to look twice at the brilliant color. D300, Sigma 14mm, 1:2.8D
Wakatobi, Lionfish at rest, D70, twin Ikelite D-125 strobes
In-sync, D300, twin Ikelite D-125 strobes
Very unusual to see Froggies in these waters, hideen in a sponge, our sharp eye DM spotted it and went nuts.
Strange bed fellows, had to wiggle into a small opening to catch these two looking into the lens of Nikon D-300
Grouper cleaning station, Nikon D-300, twin Ikelite strobes
Seascape, night dive, Nikon D-300, twin Ikelite D-125 strobes
Juvy Spotted Drum, Nikon D-300, Ikelite strobes
Dive Master signal , asend to safety stop.
One of many Hogfish diving Roatan, Nikon D300
Soft coral capital of the world, a most amazing variety
Schools of fish all around the house reef of Angagga
Juvy Barramundi, D-70
Large cuddle fish just hanging out, Nikon D-70S, twin Ikelite D-125 strobes
Needless to say, this is a twilight dive, waiting patiently for the Mandarin lovers, Nikon D-70, 60 mm lens
496 Entries Found: Page 17  of  19