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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Francesco Pacienza (14)

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Peoples' Vote

Astroides calycularis, very beautyfull
By Francesco Pacienza
posted Thursday, February 14, 2008
70 votes

Great mimetism of Blennide fish: Bavosa
By Francesco Pacienza
posted Wednesday, February 13, 2008
58 votes

Jellyfish named Pelagia noctiluca
By Francesco Pacienza
posted Friday, March 14, 2008
39 votes

Spiro between two red Gorgonians (Paramuricea clavata) with a lot of fish. Taken with Nikon D60 in Easydive Housing with Nikkor 18-55VR. Two strobes: Nikon SB-105 and Sea&Sea YS-300, manual mode.
By Francesco Pacienza
posted Wednesday, July 22, 2009
34 votes

Hypselodoris picta. Taken with Nikon D90 with Nikkor 60mm Micro in Easydive Leo II Housing. Onte strobe Nikonos SB-105 with snoot. Manual setting.
By Francesco Pacienza
posted Saturday, November 5, 2011
33 votes

The two lovers.
By Francesco Pacienza
posted Sunday, October 7, 2012
33 votes

Beautyfull Parazoantus axinellae
By Francesco Pacienza
posted Tuesday, February 12, 2008
32 votes

Double exposure. Big cerianthus.
By Francesco Pacienza
posted Monday, March 26, 2012
32 votes

[:b:]Felmidia luteorosea[:/b:]
By Francesco Pacienza
posted Tuesday, June 3, 2014
32 votes

Beautyfull Anthias in Red Sea
By Francesco Pacienza
posted Monday, February 11, 2008
30 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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398 Entries Found: Page 14  of  15
Walking on Spiro.
Taken with Nikon D60 with Nikkor 18-55VR in Easydive Leo Housing. One strobe Nikon SB105; Manual mode.
I'm happy to dive here.
Bavosa cervina.
Taken with Nikon D300 and Nikkor 18-55 in Easydive Leo II housing. Only one strobe, Nikonos SB-105.
Seahorse. Taken with Nikon D60, with Nikkor 18-55 in Easydive Leo housing. One strobe, Nikonos SB105.
Seahorse on rocks. Taken with Nikon D60, with Nikkor 18-55 in Easydive Leo housing. One strobe, Nikonos SB105.
Seaurchin. Photo taken using a camera obscura technique early 1900. Manipulated in Photoshop.
It is part of a series of photos taken with this technique.
Nikon D60 with Nikkor 18-55 VR in Easydive Leo housing; two strobes.
Jellfish Rizhostoma pulmo photographed in ambient light. No flash.
Photo taken with Swirl filter on objective. Nikon D60 in Easydive housing with Nikkor 18-55VR. Two strobes: Nikon SB-105 and Sea&Sea YS300.
Portrait of Zeus Faber...taken with Nikon D60 in Easydive Leo Housing with Nikkor 18-55VR and Nikon SB105 and Sea&Sea YS300 strobes.
Butterfly semimasked fish
Fantasmagoric colors of bicolors Gorgonian (paramuricea clavata. Taken with Nikon D60 with Nikkor 18-55VR in Easydive Leo housing. Two strobes: Nikon Sb-105 and Sea&Sea Ys300.
Axinella. Taken with Nikon D60 in Easydive housing with Nikkor 18-55VR. Two strobes: Nikon SB105 and Sea&Sea YS300. Manual mode settings.
Eunicella cavolini in B&W. Taken with Nikon D60 and Nikkor 18-55VR. Nikon SB1005 and Sea&Sea YS300 strobes.
Spiro between two red Gorgonians (Paramuricea clavata) with a lot of fish. Taken with Nikon D60 in Easydive Housing with Nikkor 18-55VR. Two strobes: Nikon SB-105 and Sea&Sea YS-300, manual mode.
Egg of Scyliorhinus canicula on Red Gorgonia (Paramuricea clavata).
Taken with Nikon D60 with Nikkor 18-55VR in Easydive Housing with two strobes: Nikon SB-105 and Sea&Sea YS-300 in manual mode.
Ceriantus. Taken with Nikon D60 in Easydive housing. 18-55 Nikkor VR.
Scorpena scrofa. Taken with Nikon D60 in Easydive housing. 18-55 Nikkor VR; Nikon SB105 and Sea&Sea YS300 strobes.
Green Turtle. Portrait. Nikon D60 in Easydive housing and Nikkor 18-55VR with Nikon SB105 and Sea&Sea YS300 strobes. Abu Kefan, Safaga.
Clavelina lepadiformis on Paramuricea clavata. Taken with Nikon D60 and Nikkor 18-55VR. Nikon SB105 and Sea&Sea YS300 strobes. No macro lenses.
Zeus Faber. Taken with Nikon D60 and Nikkor 18-55VR in Easydive housing. Nikon SB-105 and Sea&Sea YS300 strobes.
Sepia officinalis in B&W. Taken with Nikon D60 and Nikkor 18-55VR in Easydive housing, Nikon SB-105 and Sea&Sea YS300 strobes.
Photographer. Taken with Nikon D60 in Easydive housing with Nikkor 18-55VR.
Big table Coral. Taken Nikon D60 in Easydive housing with Nikkor 18-55VR.
Embroider in blue (Paramuricea clavata). Taken with Nikon D60 and Nikkor 18-55VR in Easydive housing. No strobes or artifical lights.
Scilla, view by underwater. Taken with Nikon D60 in Easydive housing with Nikon 18-55VR.
Ianolus Cristatus. Taken with Nikon D60 with Nikon 18-55VR in Easydive housing, no macro lens, with Nikon SB-105 and Sea&Sea Ys-300 strobes.
Beautyfull Gold Blennius that's waiting for...
Take with Nikon D60 with 18-55 VR Nikon in Easydive housing, Nikon SB-105 and Sea&Sea YS-300 strobes.
398 Entries Found: Page 14  of  15