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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Suzan Meldonian (7)

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Peoples' Vote

Jawfish with eggs about to hatch
By Suzan Meldonian
posted Sunday, August 21, 2011
58 votes

Call of the Wild.....
By Suzan Meldonian
posted Friday, September 2, 2011
55 votes

Eyes of Scallop super close
By Suzan Meldonian
posted Thursday, January 12, 2012
50 votes

ornate frilled seahorse
By Suzan Meldonian
posted Saturday, March 3, 2012
50 votes

Plump little bumblebee shrimp.. having fun with the 10x now.
By Suzan Meldonian
posted Tuesday, March 13, 2012
49 votes

Honey- I'm watchin' the kids tonight!
Taken with 105 mm + 10x diopter
By Suzan Meldonian
posted Tuesday, April 26, 2011
48 votes

....Helloooooo... Here I am! 
Blue Throat Pike Blenny -really bellowing hard for a lady
By Suzan Meldonian
posted Friday, May 27, 2011
47 votes

Blue throat Pike Blenny
By Suzan Meldonian
posted Wednesday, February 29, 2012
47 votes

2 days aaaand counting! Phew!
Male Yellowhead jawfish with eggs, Blue Heron Bridge
By Suzan Meldonian
posted Wednesday, February 20, 2013
47 votes

Rock Beauty
By Suzan Meldonian
posted Monday, September 19, 2011
46 votes
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428 Entries Found: Page 7  of  16
Juvenile Trunkfish
Townsend Angel
Glassy shrimp about 3 cm. Taken with 105mm & 10x subsee
The intracacies of a miniature clear shrimp. This animal is a super weapon. Taken with subsee 10x.
Full Sail ahead!
Golden Coral Shrimp -with eggs still inside!
juvenile Sea Robin
Lobster Dinner..... smile ok so she's not pretty-but have you ever seen how a lobster eats food? Mouth on the bottom-how bizarre is that??
Have a very Blenny Christmas & a Happy New Year
Muck Surfing
..the children were nestled all snug in their beds, while visions of sugarplums danced in their heads . . .
Colon Goby admiring his reflection.
Black Frogfish
Black ear Wrasse
ooooh, can you get that spot over there???
or . . .
Essence of Blenny #2
Essence of Blenny ... 1 strobe turned out- my psuedo trial on non-snoot- snoot shoot.... say that 3x fast smile
Cocoa Damsel
Crested Pipefish with a sea spider crawling on its face. Not particularly pretty- but a first at BHB, and the spider was extra bonus points. This little guy's head was size of my pinky nail. Taken with subsee.
A Hairy Blenny with a tell-tale sign of Fireworm bristles, mm yum. Some like it spicy!
On the worst vis day of the year, I decided to only photograph things of color and not let the dismal get to me. Amazing what you can find if you put your mind to it. Taken with the subsee.
Butter Hamlet
An artistic moon (jelly)
. . . am I not the most handsome fish you have ever seen? I am looking good today. (Male Lancer's Dragonet)
Banded Coral Shrimp face
428 Entries Found: Page 7  of  16