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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Jim Chambers (5)

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Peoples' Vote

Last year I posted a jawfish with eggs that were about to hatch. This is the same jawfish shot a few days earlier just after the eggs were laid. From Little Cayman Island. Nikon D200 with 105mm lens.
By Jim Chambers
posted Friday, April 18, 2008
75 votes

Anemone Shrimp (Periclimenes holthuisi) from Anilao.
By Jim Chambers
posted Friday, February 20, 2009
72 votes

Colorful anemone shrimp from Anilao.
By Jim Chambers
posted Saturday, June 21, 2008
52 votes

Armina sp. flatworm from Dauin, Philippines.
By Jim Chambers
posted Tuesday, July 22, 2008
52 votes

I was very fortunate to see these two Black-Saddled Tobies spiraling upward in a mating ritual. I got a sequence of about a dozen shots before the action ended. Dauin, Philippines.
By Jim Chambers
posted Tuesday, June 17, 2008
49 votes

Squat Hairy Lobster on a barrel sponge in Anilao, Philippines.
By Jim Chambers
posted Sunday, May 25, 2008
48 votes

Head-on and up close view of a little Saddled Blenny. Nikon D200 with 60mm lens.
By Jim Chambers
posted Wednesday, August 23, 2006
47 votes

This Black Grouper had pulled into a cleaning station, and the little cleaner fish were already at work. Nikon D70 with 60mm lens.
By Jim Chambers
posted Sunday, September 3, 2006
45 votes

A lot of searching and a lot of luck to find this male Yellowhead Jawfish incubating eggs on Little Cayman Island, BWI. The eggs are just about to hatch.
By Jim Chambers
posted Wednesday, December 26, 2007
45 votes

Mandarinfish from Puerto Galera, Philippines. Nikon D200 with 60mm lens.
By Jim Chambers
posted Friday, June 6, 2008
43 votes
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160 Entries Found: Page 5  of  6
Juvenile Yellowtail Damsel.
A tiny (1 cm) juvenile Highhat. This is one of the toughest photos I've ever taken. I wasn't sure if it was a Highhat or a Spotted Drum, but Paul Humann ID'ed it for me. Nikon D200 with 60mm lens.

editor's comments

Editor's Comment
Great natural history shot Jim. One for the photo library!
Three-in-one! A Peppermint Shrimp inside a Sponge Brittle Star inside a Yellow Tube Sponge. Nikon D200 with 60mm lens.
Wormsnail hole, about 2.5 cm. Nikon D100 with 60mm lens and housed SB800 flash.
Red Hind, a member of the Grouper family. Nikon D70, 60mm lens, and housed SB800 flash.
Up close and personal with a friendly Nassau Grouper. Nikon D200 with 60mm lens.
This Black Grouper had pulled into a cleaning station, and the little cleaner fish were already at work. Nikon D70 with 60mm lens.

editor's comments

Editor's Comment
Open wide!
Nassau Grouper trying unsuccessfully to swallow a Blue Tang. The divemaster told me that eventually other predators would start nipping off pieces of the Tang. I doubt if either fish survived. Nikon N90s with 60mm lens.
Purple Spotted Sea Goddess on Little Cayman. One of the prettiest nudis in the Caribbean, this tiny critter was almost impossible to see in the viewfinder, but I got a few decent photos. Nikon D200 with 60mm lens.
Head-on and up close view of a little Saddled Blenny. Nikon D200 with 60mm lens.

editor's comments

Editor's Comment
Oh you cutie
Tiny little Tobaccofish getting right up to my macro port. Reminds me of Edward G. Robinson! Nikon D70 and 105mm lens.
Manicure, anyone? Pederson Cleaner Shrimp taken with Nikon D70 and 60mm lens.
Ruby Brittle Star, central disk is about 1.5 cm. Nikon D200 with 60mm lens.
Spotted Spiny Lobster, one of the few that's been spotted on Little Cayman. Nikon D100 with 60mm lens.
Bluehead Wrasse. Nikon D200 with 60mm lens.
A nasty-looking Barracuda, and this wasn't cropped! Nikon D70 with 60mm lens.
Fairy Basslet. Nikon D100 with 105mm lens.
Whitespotted Filefish. Nikon D100 with 60mm lens.
Swimming Crinoid (Analcidometra armata), about 2 cm. Weird little critter, looks like some kind of spider, except it has too many legs. Nikon D100 with 60mm lens.
A Barred Hamlet, another of my favorite little fish. Nikon D70 with 60mm lens.
Hogfish with a freeloading Bar Jack (aka Skipjack). Nikon D70 with 60mm lens.
Juvenile Red Hind, a member of the Grouper family.
Banded Butterflyfish. Nikon D70 with 60mm lens.
Pink Anemonefish in Fiji.
Green Razorfish from Little Cayman. Nikon D100 with 60mm lens.
Coneys are common in the Cayman Islands, but the Golden variation Coney is rare. One of the prettiest fish I've seen. Nikon D100 with 60mm lens.
The colorful little Harlequin Bass is one of my favorites in the Cayman Islands. Nikon D100 with 60mm lens.
160 Entries Found: Page 5  of  6