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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Chris Miskavitch (4)

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Peoples' Vote

Galapagos (turtle pair)
By Chris Miskavitch
posted Friday, June 10, 2011
16 votes

Divers heading back to the opening in Cenote....
By Chris Miskavitch
posted Sunday, December 14, 2014
16 votes

Crab with Purple eyes.....
By Chris Miskavitch
posted Monday, January 19, 2015
16 votes

Cenote and Diver
By Chris Miskavitch
posted Saturday, September 20, 2014
15 votes

This little guy peaking out of the coral
By Chris Miskavitch
posted Thursday, October 29, 2015
15 votes

The pond at dusk....Water flower above and one about to open below.
By Chris Miskavitch
posted Tuesday, August 22, 2017
15 votes

Night Dive off the coast of New England...Divers shine their lights into the darkness and if you are still and have patience new friends often come to check you out.
By Chris Miskavitch
posted Sunday, August 27, 2017
15 votes

Lump Fish of the coast off New England
By Chris Miskavitch
posted Tuesday, November 4, 2014
14 votes

By Chris Miskavitch
posted Tuesday, January 20, 2015
14 votes

Spotted Eagle Ray; taking a closer look.
By Chris Miskavitch
posted Friday, January 16, 2015
13 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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131 Entries Found: Page 4  of  5
Spanish Lobster out for a walk during a night dive.....
Reef Octopus on a day-time hunt.....
Crab with Purple eyes.....
Spotted Eagle Ray; taking a closer look.
Blending in......
Marble jelly on safety Stop
Sea bird at dusk on our live-aboard in the exumas
Divers heading back to the opening in Cenote....
Sea Bird just hanging out.
Wreck of the Crane of the coast of New England....Photo shows that there is colorful life at 150feet in New England!
Wreck of the Patriot....Found 20miles of the coast of Massachusetts in the Stellwagen marine Sanctuary.
Scorpion Fish hiding in soft coral
Trying to hide
Just keep climbing....Just keep climbing
Fish in color....
Sea fan off the Island of Utila
On the move....
Back away slowly...no lobstaaas or divers were harmed in the making of this image!
Soft Corals
Diver shooting images
Spotted Eagle Ray looking for something to eat.
Ever feel like you're being watched??!!
ssshhhh....I'm sleeping
sleeping Galapagos Seal......
Nurse shark close-up
Lump Fish of the coast off New England
131 Entries Found: Page 4  of  5