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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Stuart Spechler (3)

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Peoples' Vote

You talkin’ to me? Photo taken on night dive in Cozumel with Fuji Finepix S2 in Aquatica housing, dual SB-105 strobes.
By Stuart Spechler
posted Wednesday, August 23, 2006
24 votes

Curious sea monster, up close and too personal.
By Stuart Spechler
posted Wednesday, October 16, 2013
23 votes

Say hello to my little friend.
Diver and friendly green moray, Stingray City. Photo taken with Fuji Finepix S2 in Aquatica housing, Nikon 12-24 lens, dual SB-105 strobes.
By Stuart Spechler
posted Tuesday, March 7, 2006
22 votes

A beautiful invader.  We dived in Turks 3 years ago and didn't see one lion fish.  This year we saw them on every dive.
By Stuart Spechler
posted Tuesday, August 24, 2010
22 votes

Close encounter with a skeptical turtle, big island of Hawaii.  Fuji Finepix S2 in Aquatica housing.
By Stuart Spechler
posted Monday, March 1, 2010
21 votes

Framed! Interesting symmetry and play of light around the diver in this cavern. Fuji Finepix S2, dual SB-105 strobes.
By Stuart Spechler
posted Thursday, August 24, 2006
20 votes

Underbelly of the beast.  Magnificent animal.
By Stuart Spechler
posted Friday, July 19, 2013
20 votes

Smiling green moray, Cayman Islands. Photo taken with Fuji Finepix S2 in Aquatica housing, Nikon 12-24 DX lens, twin SB-105 strobes.
By Stuart Spechler
posted Friday, February 10, 2006
19 votes

Friendly whale shark with snorkelers, Isla Mujeres, Mexico.  Fuji Finepix S2, aquatica housing, dual SB-105 strobes.
By Stuart Spechler
posted Tuesday, May 13, 2008
19 votes

Here's lookin' at you kid.  Wary fish in the Caribbean.
By Stuart Spechler
posted Wednesday, August 18, 2010
18 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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64 Entries Found: Page 3  of  3
Close encounter with a Caribbean reef shark. Fuji Finepix S2.
Boo! Curious grouper, Bahamas. Fuji Finepix S2.
A grouchy but splendid toadfish. Fuji Finepix S2, dual SB-105 strobes.
Current events in Cozumel. Fuji Finepix S2, dual SB-105 strobes.
Double file in Cozumel. Fuji Finepix S2, dual SB-105 strobes.
Wall divers, Cozumel. Fuji Finepix S2, dual SB-105 strobes.
Framed! Interesting symmetry and play of light around the diver in this cavern. Fuji Finepix S2, dual SB-105 strobes.
You talkin’ to me? Photo taken on night dive in Cozumel with Fuji Finepix S2 in Aquatica housing, dual SB-105 strobes.
Say hello to my little friend.
Diver and friendly green moray, Stingray City. Photo taken with Fuji Finepix S2 in Aquatica housing, Nikon 12-24 lens, dual SB-105 strobes.
Smiling green moray, Cayman Islands. Photo taken with Fuji Finepix S2 in Aquatica housing, Nikon 12-24 DX lens, twin SB-105 strobes.
64 Entries Found: Page 3  of  3