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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Simon Dyer (2)

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Peoples' Vote

redlip blennie was on the south side of grand cayman there are so many its hard to time there moves but this guy held still for me nikon D50 with vr 105mm in an ikelite housing with two ysd1 strobes shutter 200 f-stop 22
By Simon Dyer
posted Sunday, January 24, 2016
20 votes

one open one closed
By Simon Dyer
posted Thursday, August 28, 2014
17 votes

courtship of the hamlets is amazing i must say myself
By Simon Dyer
posted Saturday, February 21, 2015
14 votes

just a sandy ray
By Simon Dyer
posted Wednesday, August 6, 2014
13 votes

off the port side diving DNS diving look us up
By Simon Dyer
posted Sunday, November 30, 2014
13 votes

north wall roundabout 10.5 fisheye on a d300 no strobes
By Simon Dyer
posted Wednesday, September 16, 2015
13 votes

friendly little guy he is all the time just looking for a friend and a feed
By Simon Dyer
posted Thursday, September 17, 2015
13 votes

light house point
By Simon Dyer
posted Sunday, October 5, 2014
11 votes

out on north with dns diving grand cayman
By Simon Dyer
posted Friday, November 14, 2014
11 votes

was my first seahorse out front of sunset house grand cayman had no strobe camera d50
By Simon Dyer
posted Tuesday, August 5, 2014
10 votes
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50 Entries Found: Page 2  of  2
on the wreck of the doc polson in grand cayman
Diving my job at DNS Diving
wall of siliver at cheese burger diving with chase darnell
little red eye shrimp found him snuck up and had one shot could not find him again night dive at macabuca come see us at dns diving we can show up
on the kittiwake diving DNS
come diving with us at DNS DIVING grand cayman and we can show you these little guys
off the port side diving DNS diving look us up
out on north with dns diving grand cayman
amigo friendly little guy out diving with DNS DIVING
neckcrab on west side with dns diving
o.v wall with DNS DIVING grand cayman
heads up dude
light house point
head up little one grand cayman eden rock
on the kittiwake grand cayman diving dns
was pointed out by dean reid of dns diving in grand cayman on the kittiewake
north wall slug after slug after slug lots of slugs is what I'm getting at
mid water on safety stop out with DNS grand cayman north wall
one open one closed
just a lion fish
just a sandy ray
was my first seahorse out front of sunset house grand cayman had no strobe camera d50
Saw these little guys had one shot and then they hid
night dive with a sleepy turtle
50 Entries Found: Page 2  of  2