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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Jim Catlin (2)

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Peoples' Vote

Sarah and the Starfish
By Jim Catlin
posted Monday, February 10, 2014
38 votes

'Arrow Eyes'
By Jim Catlin
posted Tuesday, May 26, 2015
28 votes

Hawksbill turtle at Cobalt Coast, Grand Cayman
By Jim Catlin
posted Wednesday, May 28, 2014
26 votes

'The Survivor' - resident turtle at Spotts Bay, Grand Cayman.
By Jim Catlin
posted Friday, March 21, 2014
25 votes

Sunset silhouettes... Starfish point, Grand Cayman
By Jim Catlin
posted Sunday, March 30, 2014
24 votes

A couple of Peppermint shrimp hide away in a beautiful purple vase sponge!
By Jim Catlin
posted Sunday, January 18, 2015
24 votes

Shot at 84mm with +12 diopters at f22. This Gorgonian Hydroid is found on the Nicholson wreck on Sunset House reef. It took a steady hand due to a very small working distance to capture the hydroid down into the wreck and achieve the black background
By Jim Catlin
posted Monday, December 16, 2013
23 votes

Huge orange barrel sponge at Cobalt Coast
By Jim Catlin
posted Wednesday, June 4, 2014
23 votes

The Doc Polson wreck with Cathy Church
By Jim Catlin
posted Monday, March 17, 2014
22 votes

'Splendid colour' - splendid anemone and resident
By Jim Catlin
posted Thursday, February 20, 2014
21 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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85 Entries Found: Page 2  of  4
Scooters flying high
A couple of Peppermint shrimp hide away in a beautiful purple vase sponge!
Gray Angel
'Lunar Landing'
Tracked this guy for a while before he allowed me in close enough, his reflection was obviously pleasing smile
'Lunch Time'
'Flamingo Heavens'
Sarah and the Scorpionfish
Red Jack
'Hunt for Red October' - silversides and hunting tarpon, shot with off camera red constant light and small amount of strobe
Diamond blenny portrait
Flagfin blenny on orange sponge
'A Golden Moment'
'Stand Tall'
Back-lit Fire worm on seafan
"Beam me up..."
Flamingo Love!
Juvenile filefish hiding amongst rope sponge
A room with a view
Bicolour damsel fish shot with remote strobe
Myself and this Chromodoris geminus hang on for dear life as the current rips over us at Koh Pung... Far Islands, Koh Lipe, Thailand.
Promo shot for Stupid Clothing, action fashion brand out of Brixton, UK
85 Entries Found: Page 2  of  4