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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Jean-Claude Zaveroni (2)

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Peoples' Vote

Manta in Tiputa, the dream had come true. Through the lens the scene was unbelievable and stil give me a chill of happiness on my back
By Jean-claude Zaveroni
posted Thursday, December 15, 2005
27 votes

Periclimines Shrimp in his shellter, Subal F100 housing 105mm, made in Marseille, Mediterraneen sea.
By Jean-claude Zaveroni
posted Friday, December 16, 2005
19 votes

pipe sponges, Elphinstone,Red sea; Taken with 13mm on RS, dual strobes
By Jean-claude Zaveroni
posted Friday, January 20, 2006
10 votes

When at the deco stop this big Barracuda rushed to me three times and flew over my head when could shoot with in back ground the sky and clouds.
Thank my auto focus RS and the clear water of Turk and Caicos islands
By Jean-claude Zaveroni
posted Wednesday, December 14, 2005
9 votes

35 m deep under the hull of Dalton the propeller is nested in sand and covered with gorgones; Planier island, Marseille, Mediterraneen Sea, 16 mm on F100 in Subal Housing and dual strobes
By Jean-claude Zaveroni
posted Monday, December 19, 2005
7 votes

Third type meeting with a spaceship : fluorescent jellyfish; Mediterraneen sea; Taken with 50 mm on RS, two stobes
By Jean-claude Zaveroni
posted Friday, January 6, 2006
7 votes

Red gorgones and anthias at 30 m; Planier Island, Marseille, Mediterraneen sea; Taken with 16mm on F100, Subal Housing, two strobes
By Jean-claude Zaveroni
posted Monday, January 9, 2006
6 votes

Deep Blue on Caramassaigne clif, Riou Island, Marseille, Mediterraneen sea; Taken at 40 m with 16mm on F100 in Subal Housing, two strobes
By Jean-claude Zaveroni
posted Wednesday, January 11, 2006
6 votes

By Jean-claude Zaveroni
posted Sunday, December 18, 2005
5 votes

Jellyfish aiming to the sun; Blue coast, Marseille, Mediterraneen sea; Taken with 13mm on RS, no strobe
By Jean-claude Zaveroni
posted Thursday, January 12, 2006
5 votes
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37 Entries Found: Page 2  of  2
Anthias, Riou Island,Marseille, Mediterraneen sea, Taken with 105mm on f100 in Subal housing, two strobes
Matting dance of Umpack Whales; Mayotte, Indien Ocean; Taken with 16mm on F100, Subal Housing, natural light
Pink Nudi Flabelina affinis softly nested in his coton coat of algee; Lerins islands, Cannes, Medierraneen sea; Taken with 50mm and 1,4 converter on RS with dual strobes
Caves are often places where light and colors could be magic; Plane island, Marseille, Mediterraneen sea; Taken with 16mm lens on F100, Subal housing, dual strobes
35 m deep under the hull of Dalton the propeller is nested in sand and covered with gorgones; Planier island, Marseille, Mediterraneen Sea, 16 mm on F100 in Subal Housing and dual strobes
"Light and fire", under water red gorgones every where ! Imperial dive, Riou island, Marseille, Mediterraneen Sea; Taken with 16mm on F100 and Subal Housing with Nikon dual strobes
Red and cameleon gorgones at 35m on the UW cliff of Caramasaigne, Riou Island, Marseile, Mediterraneen Sea, taken with 16 mm lens on F100 in Subal Housing, two stobes
Periclimines Shrimp in his shellter, Subal F100 housing 105mm, made in Marseille, Mediterraneen sea.
Manta in Tiputa, the dream had come true. Through the lens the scene was unbelievable and stil give me a chill of happiness on my back
When at the deco stop this big Barracuda rushed to me three times and flew over my head when could shoot with in back ground the sky and clouds.
Thank my auto focus RS and the clear water of Turk and Caicos islands
37 Entries Found: Page 2  of  2