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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Michael Canzoniero (2)

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Peoples' Vote

Ooh! Ooh! Take my picture! Please, please! Take my picture!
By Michael Canzoniero
posted Sunday, July 13, 2008
38 votes

Jim kept insisting that getting narc-ed wasn't so bad!
By Michael Canzoniero
posted Thursday, September 4, 2008
32 votes

Let's all sing like the blennies do!
By Michael Canzoniero
posted Thursday, March 27, 2008
31 votes

I saw it first!
Olympus 3040, tetra housing WA lens, Nikonos SB105
By Michael Canzoniero
posted Monday, March 24, 2008
30 votes

By Michael Canzoniero
posted Saturday, August 2, 2008
29 votes

I feel pretty, Oh, so pretty!
Supermale parrot fish.  Canon Digital rebel, ikelite 125 strobe.
By Michael Canzoniero
posted Thursday, March 26, 2009
29 votes

Somewhere, over the rainbow, small fish fly...
By Michael Canzoniero
posted Sunday, March 29, 2009
27 votes

This may be a cowfish, but where do you milk this baby?
By Michael Canzoniero
posted Thursday, February 28, 2008
25 votes

Spine cheek clownfish in a bubble anemone. Nikonos V, 15 mm Sea and Sea lens, SB 105 strobe.
By Michael Canzoniero
posted Saturday, May 3, 2008
25 votes

Who you callin' four eyes? (photoshop enhanced color)
By Michael Canzoniero
posted Sunday, March 16, 2008
24 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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77 Entries Found: Page 2  of  3
Christmas tree worm, Nikon V, 35mm lens, Close-up kit, SB105
Now that's what I call a devilfish!
Canon digital rebel in Ikelite housing, Ikelite 125 strobe, 18-55 zoom lens
He wanted to give me some of that damned Cheez Whiz, but I said, "Gimme the sucker, Sucker!"
Uniforms are silver? Mom never told me the school had a dress code!
Where are those damn cleaner fish? I brush and I floss but I still need the blennies to clean my teeth!
This may be a cowfish, but where do you milk this baby?
Benny the Blennie - this tiny little guy hopped around then stood stock still for his closeup! Canon digital rebel, 50 mm lens, Ikelite 125 strobe
If you go too fast you'll miss all this! Canon digital rebel, ikelite 125 strobe.
Still life (sort of): "Azure Vase Sponge and Brittle Starfish".
Found this imprint in the sand and couldn't resist the temptation to "play" with it!
Lionfish are the coolest fish but they can literally get in the way when you're shooting something else. rthis guy followed our light looking for food. Olympus 3040 with Nikonos SB105 strobe
Making eye contact with your subject is essential.
Green turtle, Olympus 3040, SB 105 strobe.
Coney Grouper, Canon digital rebel, Ikelite 125 strobe.
I don't care what they say! I know it was a great white shark I saw on the dive! Tomorrow I'll bring a camera!
Canon EOS Rebel
Terrifying reef encounter! Canon digital EOS, SB105
Coral banded shrimp. Canon Digial rebel. Grand Cayman 2/06
Maculosus Angelfish. canon digital rebel
They call him the "False Percula Clown (Amphiprion ocellaris)". I say he'll do till the real thing comes along!
Canon digital rebel.
French angel. Olympus 3030, Nikonos SB 105
This is a face only a mother - or another scorpionfish - could love! Olympus 3030 with nokonos SB 105
Buddy shooting an Emperator Angel. Timing is everything! Synchronizing our shots took some doing... Nah, actually just lucky! Nikonos V with SB105 strobe.
This is a composit picture of two of my favorite subjects, my wife and a royal grammar. Canon digital rebel
Linda Gray Angelfish, aka "Sue Ellen" on the hit TV show,"Dallas", posing for paparazi in her new role as a beautiful fish. Canon, digital rebel, macro 50mm lens.
"Drink Old Dutch the choice of discerning hammerheads!" Grand Cayman; Canon digital rebel
Now I know why my kids really like scuba diving!
Nikonos V, SB 105, kodachrome.

editor's comments

Editor's Comment
Don't drink and dive folks!
Royal Gramma: this is a fish really deserving of it's name! Taken off Messa, in GC with Canon DR, 55mm lens and ikelite 125 housing
77 Entries Found: Page 2  of  3