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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Sam Taylor

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Peoples' Vote

Pygmy Seahorse- Hippocampus Denise?
By Sam Taylor
posted Friday, January 15, 2010
25 votes

matt, free diving in the rock arch. ambient light
By Sam Taylor
posted Sunday, June 29, 2008
23 votes

Bulb tentacled anemone. Nikonos 5 1:1 extension tubes, twin YS 120 strobes. (Custom exposure settings)
By Sam Taylor
posted Thursday, June 14, 2007
21 votes

Mitchell B-25 Bomber, Madang PNG. Nikon D-70 
Viz was 10-15m!
By Sam Taylor
posted Friday, June 15, 2007
21 votes

just another anemonefish shot....
By Sam Taylor
posted Wednesday, January 20, 2010
21 votes

Longnose Hawkfish in amongst the soft corals. Nikon d-70, 60mm lens
By Sam Taylor
posted Thursday, January 21, 2010
21 votes

Wreck of the Henry Leith Madang province PNG
By Sam Taylor
posted Wednesday, May 30, 2007
19 votes

By Sam Taylor
posted Thursday, June 14, 2007
19 votes

It's just Nemo
By Sam Taylor
posted Tuesday, February 2, 2010
19 votes

By Sam Taylor
posted Thursday, June 7, 2007
18 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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70 Entries Found: Page 1  of  3
Cardinalfish. Pocket Olympus camera.
Portrait of a Blackspot hawkfish. Nikon D-70 w 60mm lens,
Cottonmouth Moral Eel. The only one I've ever seen.
Baby Spinecheek Anemonefish
2 clownfish doing their thing.
Spinecheek anemonefish portrait. Nikons 5 macro framer & tube (1-2)
Chromodoris magnifica. Nikonos 5 with 35mm lens & 3/1 Macro framer.
These 3 Longfin Bannerfish almost posed perfectly 4 me. This was around 30m deep. Cod Hole Aus.
Blue Ribbon Eel portrait. Kimbe bay
Blackspot Hawkfish in closeup
Eye to eye with a very large Potato Cod
This shot is dedicated to our friend Bob Halstead. We had a few lusty debates about this fish, it's proper name, habits etc... miss u already Bob. .....
Another fav. fish, the Emperor Angelfish. Osprey reef Aus. Nikon D-70, 20mm lens & 2x Sea & sea ys120 strobes.
Japanese mini-sub lying parallel to the Taisho Maru Wreck, New Britain island, Kavieng area
Pair of fire dart gobies. Nikon D-70, 60mm lens & twin strobes.
Porcelain Crab close up
Japanese WWII gas masks, 'Helmet Wreck Malakaal harbour, sth of Koror
Kiddi, local guide amongst the Jacks Kimbe bay PNG
Nikonos 5. 20mm close up
Nautilus Pompilus. Nikonos 5, 15mm lens
True Clownfish, Nikon D-70 60mm lens
Baby Hammerhead, natural light
Portrait of a Coral Cod Nikon D-70, 60mm lens, dual YS 120 strobes
Nikon D-70, 20mm lens 2x Ys 120 strobes
Barracuda Ball. Nikonos 5 15mm, no strobe
My favourite 'small fish' the Longnosed hawkfish
Bow riding dolphins. olympus "tough 8000".
70 Entries Found: Page 1  of  3