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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Viora Alessio

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Peoples' Vote

The Temple - Red Sea the ideal training school for photographers
By Viora Alessio
posted Monday, December 1, 2003
139 votes

Mama Dolhin and kid looking curiously to me
By Viora Alessio
posted Monday, January 26, 2004
76 votes

Trying to hide onto a gorgonia fan this tiny gobies are very difficult to spot - Nikon F100 macro 60 mm
By Viora Alessio
posted Wednesday, February 4, 2004
76 votes

quietly sittin gon sand bottom the windows of the Lankaywan wreck are higly incrusted
By Viora Alessio
posted Saturday, February 7, 2004
75 votes

With lots of patience I could catch the couple of robust ghost pipefishes in Secret Bay, Indonesia
By Viora Alessio
posted Sunday, February 1, 2004
74 votes

Red sea gliding in the dark.. beautiful
By Viora Alessio
posted Thursday, February 5, 2004
73 votes

Palau - Blue Hole with lots of sharks gliding around
By Viora Alessio
posted Friday, January 23, 2004
70 votes

Perfect camouflage for the pink leafy in Mabul
By Viora Alessio
posted Monday, February 2, 2004
70 votes

Clown fish from the philippines taken with the 105 macro zoom
By Viora Alessio
posted Friday, January 9, 2004
67 votes

Summer dive in the ice in the Alps in Switzerland - Nikon F100 -16mm Nikkonor
By Viora Alessio
posted Friday, April 8, 2005
12 votes
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48 Entries Found: Page 1  of  2
Summer dive in the ice in the Alps in Switzerland - Nikon F100 -16mm Nikkonor
unknown specimen living in a hole at -32 mts - nikon f100 - 105mm macro
Sunlight and shades in the Verzasca river - Switzerland - Nikon F100 - 16mm Nikkonor - no strobes
Mediterranean goby found on a blue sponge in less than 2 meters of water
Nikon F100 - 70.180 macro zoom
Large male longimanus taken in South red sea during a Safari - Nikon F100 - 18mm nikkonor
Whale shark gently gliding under surface - Nikon F100 - 16mm Fisheye
Cristal clear waters in southern Red Sea - Nikon F100 - 18mm - natural light
Seychelles Whale Shark encounter
Beautifully paired these mandarin were mating. Needs lots of patience to take one shot not to scare them. 8 meters with 105 macro
Leaf fish gently looking at the camera
Lankayan Malesian Borneo
Strange blue crab carrying stinging anemone on his back. Kalimantan - Indonesia
Whale shark in Mahé - Seychelles
while diving towards the deep the green turtle engaged the run with the diver on the reef
quietly sittin gon sand bottom the windows of the Lankaywan wreck are higly incrusted
Red sea gliding in the dark.. beautiful
Trying to hide onto a gorgonia fan this tiny gobies are very difficult to spot - Nikon F100 macro 60 mm
Perfect camouflage for the pink leafy in Mabul
With lots of patience I could catch the couple of robust ghost pipefishes in Secret Bay, Indonesia
Mama Dolhin and kid looking curiously to me
Palau - Blue Hole with lots of sharks gliding around
Clown fish from the philippines taken with the 105 macro zoom
This giant Napoleon Fish is quietly swimming around divers in Sinai - Nikonos V with 16 Uw
Small triplefin mimic on the hard coral table. Nikon F 100 with 105 mm macro
Large green turtle swimming in Borneo waters - Nikon F16 fisheye
Special shot taken during a night dive in Sangalakki using a 17-35mm on the large Ophiura crawling over a gorgonian fan
This tiny gobid hide in the gorgonian and are ideal subject for backgroundframe if you have little patience. 70-180 macro zoom in the philippinian waters
Flipper - just beautifully playing around in the Sinai waters
48 Entries Found: Page 1  of  2