Lake Ahvenjärvi, Sastamala
| Facts about Lake Ahvenjärvi, Sastamala |
The world of outside the water. Val Verzasca in the Swiss mountain
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Crayfish in the Geneva lake
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Red shrimps
| Facts about St Prex - Geneva lake |
7 degrees water.
| Facts about Freshwater well (a hidden secret) / Southern Finland |
Lotte (french name) inside a wreck.
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Frog's baby just out of their eggs.
| Facts about Gouille de Trélex |
Frog's eggs
| Facts about L'étang de Trelex |
Dive types |  |
Marine Life |  |
This is a grate dive site with professorial dive centre. Recommended to all beginning UW photography.
| Facts about Plotki, lake It is in Poland- Plotki, lake is in the Landlocked Seas/Lakes.
- The typical depth is 0-10 Metres 0-30 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 3-10 Metres 10-30 Feet.
Dive types |  |
Marine Life |  |
Il y a trois variétés d'écrevisses américains, dont celle ci. Qui sont de véritables guerrières. Qui sont en train de faire disparaitre les deux variétés endémiques.
| Facts about La plage de Prangins |
Dive types |  |
Ancienne carrière puis poubelle des malintentionnés, cette gouille à été réhabiliter en lieu de détente tourner vers la protection du lieu. Du coup cette toute petite gouille est un petit paradis pour les plongeurs photographes.
| Facts about Gouille du Gavillet It is in Switzerland- Gouille du Gavillet is in the Landlocked Seas/Lakes.
- The typical depth is 0-10 Metres 0-30 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 3-10 Metres 10-30 Feet.
Dive types |  |
Photo facilities |  |
Ancienne carrière, puis abandonnée à la malveillance des gens, elle à été protégée et revalorisée. Des plongeurs on fait un chemin didactique parsemée de statues pour le rendre plus attrayante. Un de ces côtés est plein de roseaux et est devenu un très joli endroit rempli de faune et flores. Et même si tu a de la chance....... des castors.
| Facts about Gouille du Duzillet |
Dive types |  |
Photo facilities |  |
northern pike in a lake in germany
| Facts about Kulkwitzer See |
Nice little dive site, basic facilities but they cover the basics Just outside Tamworth in the West Midlands, various small attractions to see. Marine life, Some large Pike, 1 Ghost Carp, 1 Silver Carp and 1 amazing Orange, plenty of small perch, roach and the odd Crayfish.
| Facts about Dosthill Quarry |
Dive types |  |
Marine Life |  |
Diving facilities |   |
Photo facilities |  |
Mesotrophic lake wit two algal blooms each summer. Only shoreline above 2m of interest for UW photography.
| Facts about Plusssee It is in Germany- Plusssee is in the Landlocked Seas/Lakes.
- The typical depth is 0-10 Metres 0-30 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 0-3 Metres 0-10 Feet.
Dive types |  |
Photo facilities |  |
Largest lake in Canada without a dam.,, SE British Columbia - contiguous villages are Silverton and New Denver. 22 miles x 2 miles.... only approximately 1,000 souls live in the surrounding area... entire sest side is a Porvincial park, so no development. Much mining history legacy beneath the surface.... locomotives, barges, freight cars...
| Facts about Slocan Lake. It is in Canada- Slocan Lake. is in the Landlocked Seas/Lakes.
- The typical depth is 50+ Metres 160+ Feet.
- The typical visibility is 10-30 Metres 30-100 Feet.
Marine Life |   |
Diving facilities |   |
In March this is the love seasons for the frogs, and she can find inside the small lake their eggs.
| Facts about very small lake near Nyon It is in Switzerland- very small lake near Nyon is in the Landlocked Seas/Lakes.
- The typical depth is 0-10 Metres 0-30 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 3-10 Metres 10-30 Feet.
Dive types |  |
Marine Life |  |