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New Zealand Pacific Goat Island Marine Reserve
more info about Goat Island Marine Reserve including maps, reviews, and ratings...
New Zealand Tasman SeaOkiwi Bay is a great place to dive for Scallops when the season is open. The bottom is sandy and has a variety of marine life such as Rays, Skates, Seahorse, Flounders, Octopus, Leather Jackets etc. In winter the sea can get down to 9 degrees and in summer up to 21 degrees.
Okiwi Bay offers access to a wide variety of diving in close proximety including Cray diving and Wrecks.
Depending on where you are diving the depth can be anywhere from 10m to 30, but on average 20m. The viz varies depending on what season it is and what type of weather has been, but an average would be 6m.
On the rare occassion Orca's have come into the bay!
more info about Okiwi Bay, Marlborough Sounds, Nelson including maps, reviews, and ratings...

New Zealand Tasman SeaAn ocean alive with life
more info about Kaikoura including maps, reviews, and ratings...

New Zealand Tasman Seagreat place to dive great Island to dive around when viz is great.
more info about Hahei Marine reserve New Zealand including maps, reviews, and ratings...

New Zealand Tasman Seasaw this guy sitting in a crack had macro lens on so took a couple of shots of him,
taken with SEalife DC1200 and single strobe.
more info about Hahei Marine Reserve, New Zealand including maps, reviews, and ratings...

New ZealandThis is NOT a pond you want to dive in. It's over 100 meters deep but also boiling hot.
more info about Champaign Pools including maps, reviews, and ratings...
New Zealand Pacificgreat site and area quite a few different areas to dive in this reserve but is a little weather dependant.
more info about Hahei Marine Reserve including maps, reviews, and ratings...

New Zealand Pacificgreat site
more info about the point. poor knights including maps, reviews, and ratings...

New Zealand Pacificwall dive to 50m all around island, summer temp 18c, boat from tutukaka.
more info about sugarloaf, poor knights, including maps, reviews, and ratings...

New Zealand PacificWorld class temperate diving! Absolutely in the world's top ten!
more info about Poor Knights Islands including maps, reviews, and ratings...

New Zealand PacificA beautiful arch which extends from just under the surface right down to 40 metres. Tricky to do unless the sea is calm, since a strong current through the arch makes it difficult and dangerous. Just outside the arch, there are some small caverns with lots of colourful sponges. Sea Temp 19c (Jan 2008)
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website Marine life observed: Lord Howe Coralfish, Kingfish,Grey Moray, Spanish lobster, Red Pigfish, Bigeye, Red Moki, Nudibranchs ( Clown & Verco's Tambja), Rock Cod & Crested Blenny
more info about Tie Dye Arch, The Pinnacles, Poor Knights Islands including maps, reviews, and ratings...

New Zealand PacificShallow wall dive with kelp covered rocks and boulders down to a sandy floor. A variety of marine life including large Stingrays and huge Scorpionfish. Sea Temp 19c (Jan 2008)
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website Marine life observed: Stingrays (Short-tailed & Long-tailed),Northern Scorpionfish, Nudibranch (Clown, Variable & Elysia Sp.4), Triplefins (Banded, Blue-eyed, Spectacled & Variable), Sandager's Wrasse, Red Pigfish, Crested Blenny, Snapper, Leatherjackets, Kelpfish & Speckled Moray
more info about Mary's Wall, Aorangi Island, Poor Knights including maps, reviews, and ratings...

New Zealand PacificSite consists of a series of underwater pinnacles in a line at right angles to the island, each one progressively deeper than the next. They are covered in kelp and have lots of large fallen rocks around them. A perfect place for groups of Red Crayfish to live. On top of the rocks, we found the usual Nudibranchs, Triplefins and Blennies. Swimming in and around the kelp, are the occasional, Stingray, Snapper, Orange Wrasse and Sandager's Wrasse. At the top and close to the island there is a small undersea cave/arch, but it's very shallow, only 3 to 4 metres deep. The light here is good and the schools of Maomao make some nice scenic shots. Sea Temp 19c (Jan 2008)
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website Marine life observed: Short-tailed Stingrays, Clown Nudibranch, Triplefins (Banded, Yaldwyn's and Blue-eyed), Maomao, Sandager's Wrasse, Red Pigfish, Crested Blenny, Snapper, Orange Wrasse and Red Crayfish
more info about Trevor's Rocks / El Torito Cave, Aorangi Island, Poor Knights including maps, reviews, and ratings...

New Zealand PacificOne of the most spectacular dive sites in the Poor Knights, with a huge 8m wide arch in a promontory wall. Currents through the arch can be very strong so caution needs to be exercised here, especially as the arch is 40m deep. Wall is covered in colourful sponges and bryozoans, interspersed with yellow zoanthids, solitary hard corals, common and jewel anemones. The arch is noted for the large groups of Short-tailed Stingrays that gather in and around it. There are also large schools of Kingfish, Maomao, Butterfly Perch and Demoiselles. Perhaps you may also see a Giant Manta, as we did. Sea Temp 19c (Jan 2008)
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website Marine life observed: Giant Manta, Short-tailed Stingrays, Nudibranchs (Clown, Gem, Verco's Tambja), Triplefins (Spectacled, Oblique Swimming and Blue-eyed), Kingfish, Maomao, Butterfly Perch, Northern Scorpionfish, Yellow Moray, Leatherjackets, Demoiselle
more info about Northern Arch, Tawhiti Rahi Island, Poor Knights including maps, reviews, and ratings...

New Zealand PacificA simple to and fro wall dive, from point to point on the wall. Nice clumps of Anemones and Solitary Hard Corals. Sea Temp 19c (Jan 2008)
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website Marine life observed: Nudibranchs ( Morose Tambja, Variable Nudibranch), Banded Triplefin, Common Anemone, Solitary Hard Coral, Leatherjackets, Urchins and Crested Blenny.
more info about Middle Channel, Poor Knights including maps, reviews, and ratings...

New Zealand PacificShallow shore dive (max depth 8m) with strong 12knot rip tides through the bay, so only safe to dive from 30 minutes before to 30 minutes after high and low tides. Easy entry from the sandy beach, near rocks exposed at low tide. Lots of marine life in just the first few metres. Out in the deeper channel there are clumps of colourful sponges. Sea Temp 21c (Jan 2008)
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website Marine life observed: Nudibranchs (Black Dendrodoris, Clown, Gem, Variable & Willan's Cadlina), Triplefins (Common, Estuarine, Mottled, Robust, Variable & Yaldwyn's), Flatworms, Starfish, Hermit Crabs, Crested Blenny, Shrimp, Seahorse & Octopus
more info about Sponge Gardens, Rangiputa Bay, near Whatuwhiwhi including maps, reviews, and ratings...

New Zealand PacificDive site is a large underwater pinnacle, starting at 6m depth and falling to 30m. The boat anchors on the top of the pinnacle and you descend to the bottom of the rock and work your way back up to the top in a spiral. Since the rock is away from the main island, the light has made it possible for more kelp to grow on it. Small shoals of Butterfly Perch and Pink Maomao hang out in shady spots under ledges or kelp. Lots of colourful Bryozoans and Sponges cover the rocks and look wonderful in the dappled light under the kelp. Sea Temp 19c (Jan 2008)
For photos
website Marine life observed: Grey Moray, Sandager's Wrasse, Butterfly Perch, Pink Maomao, Leatherjacket, Crested Blenny, Yaldwyn's Triplefin, Red Pigfish, Northern Scorpionfish, Variable Nudibranch, Demoiselle and Variable Triplefin.
more info about Landing Bay Pinnacle, Tawhiti Rahi Island, Poor Knights including maps, reviews, and ratings...

New Zealand PacificAn interesting dive site with a rocky corridor leading to a cave at the end. Lots of marine life. Sea Temp 19c (Jan 2008)
For photos
website Marine life observed: Nudibranchs, Yellow Moray, Black Angelfish, Jewel Anemone, Solitary Hard Coral, Starfish, Red Pigfish and Sandager's Wrasse.
more info about Jan's Tunnel, Aorangi Island, Poor Knights including maps, reviews, and ratings...

New Zealand PacificThe boat moored close to an underwater pinnacle rock. We passed over this to the island wall. The wall curves like an arc back to the boat and we dived along the wall which was covered in a kelp. Our max depth was about 17m. Sea Temp 19c (Jan 2008)
For photos
website Marine life observed: Nudibranchs, Triplefins & Kelpfish
more info about Brady's Corner, Aorangi Island, Poor Knights including maps, reviews, and ratings...

New Zealand PacificWall dive with a huge archway both above and below the surface. Depth under the arch varies from 10m to 15m. There is a small cave to the left of the arch on the South side, it has an air bubble at around 6m.
Sea Temp 19c (Jan 2008)
For photos
website Marine life observed: Nudibranchs, Morays, Stingrays, Leatherjackets, Maomao, Lord Howe Coralfish & Firebrick Starfish
more info about Middle Arch,Tawhiti Rahi Island, Poor Knights including maps, reviews, and ratings...