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1985 Entries Found: Page 79  of  100

P-Buoy Kwajalein Lagoon

   Marshall Islands  Pacific
Another one of the ships sent to the bottom of Kwajalein Lagoon at the beginning of the United States march toward the Japanese mainland during WWII. This anemone clings to the side of the ship at about 80 Ft. When we have a little current it "blows in the wind" and creates beautiful shapes.

more info about P-Buoy Kwajalein Lagoon including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatshorewreckwallnightdriftbigsmallsharksdolphinsturtlescoralairinstructionguidedfriendlymacrowideangle

Outhouse beach

   Guam  Philippine Sea
Poor vis, a few nudis if lucky

more info about Outhouse beach including maps, reviews, and ratings...shoresmall

Mzha River

Ice 40 sm

more info about Mzha River including maps, reviews, and ratings...shoredrysuitfreshwatericesmallairfriendlymacrowideanglepfriendlyinstruction

leprasarium beach, tinian

   Northern Mariana Islands  Philippine Sea
typical beach dive

more info about leprasarium beach, tinian including maps, reviews, and ratings...shoresmall

West of Loi Island in the Kwajalein Lagoon

   Marshall Islands  Pacific
Great place to dive for photos galore.

more info about West of Loi Island in the Kwajalein Lagoon including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatshorewreckcavewallnightbigsmallsharksdolphinsturtlescoralairinstructionfriendlymacrowideangle

Los Tubos

   Puerto Rico  Atlantic (North American coastal)
Nice coral gardens, rock formations at bottom. Depending on the area depth ranges from 15' to around 100'. Visibility normally ranges between 40 to 100'+ during summer.

more info about Los Tubos including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatshoresmallturtlescoralairnitroxrepairsfriendlywideangle

Twin Rocks Marine Sanctuary

   Philippines  South China Sea
The best dive site in Anilao, Batangas. Lots of critters, schools of jacks, friendly batfish, mating cuttlefish, lots of colorful corals, giant clams.

more info about Twin Rocks Marine Sanctuary including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatshoresmallcoralairnitroxinstructionguidedmacrowideangle


   Uganda  Black Sea
Clearest water of Black Sea

more info about Tarkhankut including maps, reviews, and ratings...shorewreckcavewallnightdrysuitsmallstingingairinstructionfriendlymacrowideanglepfriendlyinstruction

Near Gardens

   Egypt  Red Sea
Red anemone

more info about Near Gardens including maps, reviews, and ratings...Liveaboarddayboatshorewalldriftbigsmallsharksturtlescoralstingingairnitroxinstructionfriendlymacrowideanglepfriendlyinstruction

Meanish pier

   United Kingdom  Atlantic (European coastal)
Meanish pier is a great shore dive when you are diving. This is a great site for U/W photography and if you go in and out at the pier it has easy access. If you come out at the shore when the wind is blowing into the bay it can be hard to get out with a camera.

A dive center close by is

A good dive guide with U/W pictures

This is a good boat or shore dive in all conditions except wind from the North. Here is a good dive guide with all the info you need to dive here.

more info about Meanish pier including maps, reviews, and ratings...shorenightdrysuitsmallkelpairguidedmacro

Conger alley

   United Kingdom  Atlantic (European coastal)
This is a common site for divers around central Scotland and has loads of life. Its good for trainees to experianced divers and great for U/W Photography if you get there first as the viz can get bad if there are to many divers.
This is a good dive guide, it has U/W pictures
website A common dive for divers in central scotland more info can be found here website

more info about Conger alley including maps, reviews, and ratings...shorenightdrysuitsmall

Ras Um Sid

   Egypt  Red Sea
Night diving

more info about Ras Um Sid including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatshorewallnightbigsmallsharksturtlescoralstingingairnitroxhirefriendlymacrowideanglepfriendlyinstruction

Neptune Tables

   Israel  Red Sea
The southest dive site in Israel - adjacent to the border crossing station to sinai and Egypt.
Two comfortable entrance points from the shore, almost in front of the 'princess' hotel.
After a short dive towards east, a large plane appears at a depth of about 24-25 meter, rich of large corals and a lot of marine life.
The site name has been given after typical large, round-table shaped corals. When you dive there, please be caucious not to break the fragile tables with your fins!
No special course recommended here, just a long and slow dive towards north.
Underwater photography gear is most recommended here !
Return path is towards west - till shallow water of 4-5 meter is reached - and then back south to the entrance point.

more info about Neptune Tables including maps, reviews, and ratings...shorenightsmallturtlescoralairnitroxrepairshireinstructionguidedfriendlymacrowideanglepfriendlyphireinstruction

Coco View Wall

   Honduras  Caribbean Sea
Coco View resort is an underwater photographers dream destination. Fantastic shore diving right out the back door, easy access to boats/equipment, and most important; multiple large camera dunk tanks.

more info about Coco View Wall including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatshorewreckwallnightdriftbigsmallsharkswhalesdolphinsturtlescoralairnitroxrepairsinstructionguidedfriendlymacrowideangleprocessingfilmpfriendlyrepairsphireinstruction


   Morocco  Atlantic (African coastal)

more info about Casablanca including maps, reviews, and ratings...shoresmallairmacro

Snapper Bay, Grand Cayman

   Cayman islands  Caribbean Sea
Lots of caves and swim throughs. Good for Wide Angle

more info about Snapper Bay, Grand Cayman including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatshorecavewallsmallturtlescoralwideangle

Saraya Secrets

   United States  Bali Sea
Probably one of the best muck dives around. I wouldn't miss it if I was in Bali!!

more info about Saraya Secrets including maps, reviews, and ratings...shoresmallairguidedfriendlymacro

Freeport, Grand Bahama

   Bahamas  Caribbean Sea
OPA_ Caribbean Reef Shark & Remora

more info about Freeport, Grand Bahama including maps, reviews, and ratings...Liveaboarddayboatshorewrecksmallsharksturtlesairnitroxmacrowideangle

Maloye More

Biggest clear Lake

more info about Maloye More including maps, reviews, and ratings...Liveaboardshorewalldrysuitfreshwatericesmallairnitroxinstructionfriendlymacrowideanglepfriendlyinstruction

Morrison quarry

   United States
Easy to access place to dive.

more info about Morrison quarry including maps, reviews, and ratings...shorewreckwallnightdrysuitfreshwatericefriendly
1985 Entries Found: Page 79  of  100