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1770 Entries Found: Page 55  of  89

Al Bilad Beach

   Saudi Arabia  Red Sea
Reasonably healthy reef with good, easy access from the beach. The Dive amenities could use a little work, fresh running water at the dive hut and a phone line for emergencies would be a huge improvement but otherwise some good dives.

more info about Al Bilad Beach including maps, reviews, and ratings...shorebigsmallturtlescoralshoalsstingingairhireinstructionmacrowideangle

Dymaniyat Islands, North of Muscat

   Oman  Gulf Of Oman
A great diving area with unspoiled corals and swarms of fish. The Extra Divers have a base there and its a wonderful experience to go out with them

more info about Dymaniyat Islands, North of Muscat including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatbigsmallsharksturtlescoralstingingairnitroxhireguidedfriendlymacro


   Indonesia  Halmahera Sea
Raja Ampat

more info about Waterlogged including maps, reviews, and ratings...Liveaboarddriftbigsmallsharksturtlescoralshoalsstingingairnitroxinstructionguidedfriendlymacrowideanglepfriendlyinstruction

Danglebens Pinnacles

   Dominica  Caribbean Sea
one of my favourite sites in the world.

On a good day jaw droppingly good, on a bad day awsome

more info about Danglebens Pinnacles including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatsmallturtlescoralshoalsairnitroxhireinstructionguidedfriendlymacrowideanglepfriendlyinstruction

apo island

   Philippines  Sunda Sea
Great drift dive along the wall . Lots of macro and wide subjects.

more info about apo island including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatsmallturtlescoralairnitroxrepairshireinstructionguidedfriendlymacrowideangleprocessingpfriendlyinstruction

Fowl Cay Marine Reservation

   Bahamas  Atlantic (North American coastal)
Fowl Cay Reserve is served by dive operators out of Marsh Harbor, Hope Town and Great Guana Cay. An amazing variety of sea life with terrific visibility.

more info about Fowl Cay Marine Reservation including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatwallbigsmallsharksturtlescoralairnitroxrepairshireinstructionguidedfriendly

Norman Reef

   Australia  Coral Sea
Visted by a lot of day boats, so coral cover and quality not as pristine as it might be. Still a nice enough site though.

more info about Norman Reef including maps, reviews, and ratings...Liveaboarddayboatnightbigsmallsharksdolphinsturtlescoralairhireinstructionguidedfriendlymacrowideanglephire

Kuredu Shore

   Maldives  Indian Ocean
Very good for diferent level diving

more info about Kuredu Shore including maps, reviews, and ratings...Liveaboarddayboatshorewreckcavewallnightdriftbigsmallsharkswhalesdolphinsturtlescoralairnitroxrepairshireinstructionguidedfriendlymacrowideangleprocessingfilmpfriendlyrepairsphireinstruction

Kaleidoscope Ridge

   Indonesia  Halmahera Sea
Raja Ampat...

more info about Kaleidoscope Ridge including maps, reviews, and ratings...Liveaboarddriftbigsmallsharksturtlescoralshoalsstingingairnitroxinstructionguidedfriendlymacrowideanglepfriendlyinstruction


   Indonesia  Ceram Sea
Raja Ampat

more info about Watterlogged including maps, reviews, and ratings...Liveaboardwallbigsmallsharksturtlescoralairnitroxguidedmacrowideanglepfriendlyinstruction

Saveiros's wreck

   Brazil  Atlantic (South America coastal)


more info about Saveiros's wreck including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatwreckbigsmallsharksturtlesairnitroxwideangle


   Indonesia  Halmahera Sea

more info about Misool including maps, reviews, and ratings...Liveaboardcavewalldriftbigsmallsharksturtlescoralshoalsstingingairnitroxrepairsinstructionguidedfriendlymacrowideanglepfriendlyinstruction

Draguinha's wreck

   Brazil  Atlantic (South America coastal)


more info about Draguinha's wreck including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatwreckbigsmallturtlesairnitroxwideangle

Mercurius's wreck

   Brazil  Atlantic (South America coastal)
"The company Mercurius Wilson, sounds, was a tug of medium, used in general services in the ports served by the company.
Along with the sailboat, played an important role in the trailer of the central span River Bridge in the 70s.
The two tugs acted in the twin ports of Recife and Suape. In recent years at the Mercurius was working at the port of Joao Pessoa, PB., Ending its operations in 2004, due to wear of more than 30 years of service in the same year was decommissioned and sent to Recife.

In 2006 it was donated by the company, along with the Vessel and Taurus, the project of artificial reefs in the city of Recife.

The Mercurius was maintained for a year, away from the tourist diving operations, and is open only to researchers design Car Wrecks, Artificial"


more info about Mercurius's wreck including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatwreckbigsmallsharksturtlesairnitroxwideangle

Conception Island Wall

   Bahamas  Caribbean Sea
-home to beautiful sponge and coral formations.
-warm, clear water
-prominent coral heads line the top of the wall
-many fish from 40' to below 200'

more info about Conception Island Wall including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatwallnightdriftbigsmallsharksturtlescoralstinging

Tunnel Wall

   Bahamas  Caribbean Sea
Great wall dive with Stuarts Cove - Nassau Bahamas - Lots of red and orange sponge and the reef gets its name from the tunnells and small swim throughs

more info about Tunnel Wall including maps, reviews, and ratings...Liveaboarddayboatwalldriftbigsmallsharksturtlescoralairnitroxrepairshireinstructionguidedfriendlymacrowideangleprocessingpfriendlyrepairsphireinstruction

Sodwana Bay, Sodwana Bay National Park

   South Africa  Mozambique Channel
Boat entry, rough launches, lots of charters to choose from. Always early morning starts
Selection of reefs: 2 mile, 5 mile, 7 mile and 9 mile - these are the distances from shore (boat ride).
Varying depths, lots of variety of reefs, amazing marine life.
Viz can be an issue as the current and swell can pick up considerably with changing winds etc., but always a challenge and lots of fun. Not for the faint-hearted.

more info about Sodwana Bay, Sodwana Bay National Park including maps, reviews, and ratings...shorenightbigsmallsharkswhalesdolphinsturtlescoralshoalsstingingairnitroxrepairshireinstructionguidedfriendlymacrowideanglepfriendly

Cedral/Rosa wall

   Mexico  Caribbean Sea
For something new we made a wall dive between Cedral Pass (Paso del Cedral) and Santa Rosa wall. This stretch of reef has not been dived much and it shows. Just a beautuful garden dive with lots of tube sponges running down the

more info about Cedral/Rosa wall including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatwallnightdriftbigsmallsharksturtlescoralstingingairnitroxrepairshireinstructionguidedfriendlymacrowideangleprocessingfilmpfriendlyrepairsphireinstruction

Cozumel dive site Paradise Reef

   Mexico  Gulf Of Mexico
I love diving in Cozumel. Every time I have been there, the visability is at least 80-100 feet or more. Cozumel is drift diving, with some days and some reefs having very strong currents. You have to be quick on the draw to photograph in strong currents.

more info about Cozumel dive site Paradise Reef including maps, reviews, and ratings...dayboatwallnightdriftbigsmallsharksturtlescoralstingingairnitroxhireinstructionguidedfriendlywideangle

From La Dania's Leap to Karpata, Bonaire

   Netherlands Antilles  Caribbean Sea
This was a great dive, and this site it's my personal favorite.

more info about From La Dania's Leap to Karpata, Bonaire including maps, reviews, and ratings...shorewallbigsmallturtlescoralairnitroxrepairsinstructionguidedfriendly
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