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Denmark North Seajust a beach
more info about lovns bredning including maps, reviews, and ratings...

Denmark North Seapond near hundeskov farsø
more info about not a dive site more like a pond including maps, reviews, and ratings...

Denmark North Sealimfjorden denmark
more info about not a dive site including maps, reviews, and ratings...

DenmarkHMS Defence. World war one Wreck, Battle of Jutland with the dive ship Cdt. Fourcault.
more info about HMS Defence. World war one Wreck, Battle of Jutland with the dive ship Cdt. Fourcault. including maps, reviews, and ratings...
DenmarkBattle of Jutland, the wreck is laying on 50meter
more info about Battle of Jutland including maps, reviews, and ratings...
Denmark Baltic Seaikke det bedste dyk, svag sigt og ikke meget liv, dog blev det til lidt billeder
more info about Gammel Halskov Havn including maps, reviews, and ratings...

DenmarkBillede taget på dyk ved gaskoralerne ved Hirseholmene
more info about Hirseholmene including maps, reviews, and ratings...

DenmarkUlk ved ammoniakhavnen
more info about Ammoniakhavnen - Lillebælt including maps, reviews, and ratings...

DenmarkWall dive.
more info about Ammoniakhavnen, Lillebælt including maps, reviews, and ratings...

Denmark Atlantic (European coastal)Very suitable for uw-photography.
more info about Ammoniakhavnen including maps, reviews, and ratings...

Denmark Atlantic (European coastal)Shallow water with lots of life
more info about Husodde Strand including maps, reviews, and ratings...

Denmark Baltic SeaNice spot with smalle walls and small overhangs and canyons. Perfect for macro photografi.
more info about Lyngsbo strand including maps, reviews, and ratings...

Denmark Baltic SeaLovely and sceneric divespot just outside the local diveclub "Marsvinet-Lillebaelt" in Middelfart
more info about Lillebaelt including maps, reviews, and ratings...

DenmarkSøanemone ved Gl. Ålbo camping. Billede taget på lavt vand.
more info about Lillebælt ved Gl. Ålbo camping including maps, reviews, and ratings...

Denmark Atlantic (European coastal)Shallow water and sandy bottom
more info about Dråby Strand including maps, reviews, and ratings...

Denmark Baltic SeaThe sandy bottom with limited vegatation makes it difficult to find interesting photo objects.
more info about Esby Strand including maps, reviews, and ratings...

Denmark Atlantic (European coastal)Strandyk på østsiden af Fyn.
Idelt når vinden kommer fra vest.
Ingen strøm.
more info about Knudshoved Færgehavn including maps, reviews, and ratings...

Denmark Atlantic (European coastal)Strib fyr ligger få km nord for Middelfart. Bunden skråner flat ud mod sejlrenden og man skal dykke ret langt hvis det er dybde man søger. Bunden er sand med store sten af og til. Der er masser af liv og gode muligheder for macrofotografering.
more info about Strib Fyr including maps, reviews, and ratings...

Denmark Baltic SeaMost likely the best beach dive in this part of Seeland
more info about Trykkerdammen, Helsingør including maps, reviews, and ratings...

Denmark Gulf of VenezuelaIn a shallow metal box in approx 2' of water this male in mating colors was hovering around 2 females.
more info about Bari Reef including maps, reviews, and ratings...