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Purple Sea Urchin   Paracentrotus lividus
By Stefanos Michael
posted (6 days ago)
Hypselodoris infucata nudibranch _March 2025
 CanonRF100 1/200 f18 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (last week)
Sunset in the Sea of Cortez. Fish minnow hatch was captured with GoPro 12.
By Lara Forchuk
posted (last week)
Mediterranean Slipper Lobster   Scyllarides latus
By Stefanos Michael
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Lemon Goby s in a bottle taken at Anilao  Batangas  Philippinges
By Roy Spraakman
posted (last week)
Taken Sombrero site off Anilao  Batangas  Philippines
By Roy Spraakman
posted (last week)

Underwater Photo Location: Lac des Bousses

Underwater Photo Location: Lac des Bousses

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Beautiful small lake where you can find lots of interesting things to do photos. This is one of the best lakes to dive in my region. It is very rich with fishes and lots of other different water animals.
Facts about Lac des Bousses
  • It is in Switzerland
  • The typical depth is 0-20 Metres 0-60 Feet.
  • The typical visibility is 3-10 Metres 10-30 Feet.
Dive types

Marine Life

Diving facilities

Photo facilities

by Michel Lonfat
An other Face to Face with this beautiful "Grub" - You can find lots of beautiful things in lakes... but you have to look for them... :O)

by Michel Lonfat
A group of Pearl roach in front of the Golf Club House of Sierre in Valais Switzerland.

by Michel Lonfat
A very young pike fish not far from the surface of the lake.... and sun shine coming in... :O)

by Michel Lonfat
My friend Bernard getting ready for his daily technical dive... :O)

by Michel Lonfat
This beautiful encounter with this green frog... :O) staying still on the ground at around 5 meters....

by Michel Lonfat
Before becoming a frog :O)

by Michel Lonfat
Don't worry - be happy---- :O) Keep on smiling, life is beautiful.... Dive now - work later...

by Michel Lonfat
The Eye of the Baby Pike Fish... :O)

by Michel Lonfat
Face to face with this beautiful Pearch..... -----> ;o)

by Michel Lonfat
Ice diving : by luck at the entrance of the hole in the ice, this trout came - I just had time to shout this Half/Half picture... :O). Pity it was cloudy :O(

by Michel Lonfat
Having fun under the ice.... :O)

by Michel Lonfat
Face to face with this beautiful and young pike fish.... :O)

by Michel Lonfat
Beautiful moment of winter diving... :O).....

by Michel Lonfat
A adult Pike Fish "shot" from under :O) ......

by Michel Lonfat
A beautiful Adult Pike Fish in the Sun Light of our clear lake waters... :O) .....

by Michel Lonfat
A beautiful Tench on a night dive in our small freshwater lake... :O)....

by Michel Lonfat
Face to face with this beautiful Cray Fish in a small fresh and cold water lake in my region... :O) .....

by Michel Lonfat
The beauty of our fresh waters and it's aquatic plants... :O) ....

by Michel Lonfat
The Eye of a Perch... :O) ...

by Michel Lonfat
A beautiful Adult Pike fish - close to the surface ... :O) ...

by Michel Lonfat
A small Pike Fish close to the surface shot from under... :O) ...

by Michel Lonfat
Fresh Water Fishes (Rotengles)... :O) ...

by Michel Lonfat
A magestic Tench in one of our small diving lakes... :O) ...

by Michel Lonfat
The Eye of a Tench... :O) ...

by Michel Lonfat
"Master Pike Fish" in his lake... :O) ...

by Michel Lonfat
A beautiful Adult Pike Fish - hunting. Picture taken in April last year - when our water's are still quite fresh - but the viz very good... :O) ...

by Michel Lonfat
A young Pike Fish close to the surface - 15mm Fisheye from Sigma... Natural Light. Que du bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
Face to Face with this beautiful Perch... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
Face to face with the Master of the "Bousses Lake"... Que du Bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
Sophie waiting for us.... Diving under the ice... close to the hole. "Que du Bonheur..." ...:O)...

by Michel Lonfat
After having showned to the underwater world the "Swiss Froggy Kick Style" here is an example of the "Swiss Froggy Style Water Entrance"... My friend Steff Pontus in action. Que du Bonheur... :O)

by Michel Lonfat
Small artificial lake not far from home... My wife at the end of the dive... Que du Bonheur...:O)...

by Michel Lonfat
Face to face with this beautiful young Pike Fish in one of our small lakes in my region. (One of my favorite "Pike Shot"... )Que du Bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
Freshwater fishes (rotengles in French...) - Natural Light... Que du bonheur.

by Michel Lonfat
A Perch from under... :O) Curious... Que du Bonheur...

by Michel Lonfat
A beautiful "Rotengle" close to the surface... Que du Bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
The big eye of the "Chevesne"... Que du Bonheur...:O)...

by Michel Lonfat
After Veronika's and Cal's Frog.... Here is mine... :O)... should have a Frog Category... :O)... "Save Our Freshwater Frogs !!! " Que du Bonheur...

by Michel Lonfat
Some Pearl roaches close to the surface... Que du Bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
The Encounter of a Big Pike Fish with my wife Caroline... Que du Bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
FreshWater Atmospher.... Que du Bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
The Eye of a Frog - yesterday's dive... Que du bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
Face to face with a little Pearl roach - little Fresh water Fish... Just love the look they have... Que du bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
A beautiful Perch at the end of my dive. They are really curious and good looking... Que du bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
Pike Fish having a good look at my camera... Que du bonheur... :O)...

by Michel Lonfat
The Eye of the Pike Fish... Que du bonheur... :O)...

by Daniel Strub
Face-à-face w/adult pike in a small pond :-D ... salamat kaayo Mitch 4 da nice w-e.

by Daniel Strub
Last w/e dive with buddies Sven and Mitch ... que du bonheur, as Mitch uses to say (sorry 4 the plagiat :-D)

by Daniel Strub
The flying pike :-D

by Daniel Strub
Pike :-D

by Daniel Strub
Young pike just beneath the surface ... :-D

by Daniel Strub

by Daniel Strub
Pike in the pond :-D

by Daniel Strub
The smile :-D of the Pike ...

by Daniel Strub
:-D young pike beneath the surface ...

by Daniel Strub
The dark knight ... euhhh Pike :-D

by Daniel Strub
Beautiful pike :-D

by Daniel Strub
King pike in a small pond close to Mitsch's home :-D

by Daniel Strub

by Daniel Strub
Just another pike :-D

by Daniel Strub
... hmmmmm ... pike :-D

by Daniel Strub
King pike in his pond :-D

by Raoul Caprez
Flying Pike ?

by Raoul Caprez
Reed reflection in a small pond under a thin ice cover

by Raoul Caprez
Nice little Swiss lake not far from Michel's home (special dedication :-))

by Raoul Caprez
Ice, Bubbles, Sun & Fun

by Raoul Caprez
Slow ascencion (85mm +4 diopter)

by Raoul Caprez
Detail of a freshwater plant (85mm +4 diopter) A blue dry glove behind the plant to add a colour

by Raoul Caprez

by Daniel Strub
Trout and sunrays :-D
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